It was a salad bar of phobias

I've always had a dog phobia.

Having a phobia has changed me.

Homophobia is just that: a phobia.

I've got a phobia about throwing up.

I have had a lifelong phobia of snakes.

I have an incredible phobia of divorce.

I have a major phobia of height and water.

The other side of every fear is a freedom.

I hate bananas so much, it verges on a phobia.

I am terrified of plane landing. It's a phobia for me.

I have an animal phobia, especially ones I don't know.

I had water phobia since childhood without any reason as such.

I'd never go under the knife because I have a phobia of needles.

I am not a swimmer so a bit of phobia is always there with water stunts.

Social phobia, panic disorder… I've had panic disorder ever since I was young.

Shia phobia or Sunni phobia...we never hear about this. They murder each other!

I avoid people who I actually like. I suppose that’s a phobia but also a habit.

I'm fascinated by the whole clown phobia thing because I personally don't have it.

I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole.

I have a phobia. I have a serious phobia of rodents. I don't even like white mice, hamsters.

Most intellectuals today have a phobia of any explanation of the mind that invokes genetics.

Heights make my feet tingle; not sure if that is a phobia, but it isn't the greatest feeling.

I love heights. I love speed. I'm on the verge of being a pyromaniac. Maybe my phobia is boredom.

There's so many more failures than successes for actors. It's like a phobia, fear of cancellation.

I write about rats because they scare the hell out of me. I think we tend to write out our phobias.

It's a phobia I have. I never assume I'm going to be able to write another album after I finish one.

I don't have phobias. I'm pretty laid back. Nothing really bothers me. I can handle things pretty well.

I would gladly do it but I am suffering from social phobia. I cannot manage being in a crowd of people.

I hear a lot of talk today about xenophobia. Is it really phobia if you have something to be afraid of?

I can't even handle a spider in my bathtub. I'm scared of the dark, and I've got ultimate, epic bug phobia.

I got over the whole British eating-with-hands phobia very quickly when I was working with Oxfam in Tanzania.

I conquered my phobia of camping, although I doubt I'll be pitching my tent at a muddy festival any time soon.

My biggest phobia is spiders. When I was in second grade, one of my classmates got bitten. That did it for me.

I can't remember a dish my mother made that to me was pleasant. To this day I have a phobia of instant noodles.

I had the feeling every time I was on a plane everyone was going to die. It was a horrible phobia. A stupid one.

I did quite a lot of research for 'Phobia' because it's a very sensitive topic, so I couldn't have just faked it.

Theres something about most phobias where theres a tiny, tiny corner where you think this really actually could happen.

A lot of my friends who grew up in Manhattan have a strange phobia about Brooklyn. It's big and scary and they get lost.

I always had a phobia of heights, but since I've been flying more regularly I have no problem with it now. I just go to sleep.

My mother had a lot of phobias. She's pregnant with me and she was a very phobic person. So I was born into phobia, basically.

I hate having my feet touching stuff. And I've been finding people that have the same thing. It's not a phobia; it just gives me goose bumps.

My only phobia is untidiness. My hair has to be neatly kept; my shoes are always clean. Everything has to be in a straight line, in its place.

I have this phobia: I don't like mirrors. And I don't watch myself on television. If anything comes on, I make them shut it off, or I leave the room.

There's a vast encyclopedia of fears and phobias, and pretty much any object, experience, situation you can think of, there is someone who has a phobia of it.

I run in a pair of New Balances with a thinner sole, but they're nothing like those barefoot shoes that show all five toes. I have a bit of a phobia about those.

I still have a fear of theater. I don't know if I will manage that. I used to do it. I developed a bit of a phobia. It's not a real phobia. I can go in and watch.

One of those things I never exactly cared for was that phobia of appearing to be rich. To become rich is a natural thing, a result of your work, that which you've done.

Most people don't know that I have a huge phobia of bugs. It's gotten worse and worse over the years, but I just can't stand them! Even thinking about bugs makes me queasy.

I don't like dirt. Cleanliness is high on my agenda, but I don't have a phobia of dirt. I'm just not keen on it. I don't really like dirty people or houses or smelly things.

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