[Pigeons are] rats with wings.

Writers are as jealous as pigeons.

Kill no more pigeons than you can eat.

Pigeon-holes are only comfortable for pigeons.

Pigeons: They've got wings, but they walk a lot.

I like people not being able to be pigeon-holed.

I've had pigeons, doves, mice. I had a cat, dogs.

It'll certainly give the pigeons something to do.

Bah, tombstones are only good for pigeons to sit on

One day you're the statue. One day you're the pigeon.

You pigeon hole yourself by the title you give yourself.

The only thing I'm afraid of is a life without you, Pigeon.

I have weird aspirations. Like, I really want to kick a pigeon.

Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head.

We all get pigeon-holed or put in a box, no matter what that might be.

I bet your mom would let me." -Pigeon, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus-

Poems like to have a destination for their flight. They are homing pigeons.

Children pick up words as pigeons peas And utter them again as God shall please.

A homing pigeon must love her home; otherwise she will not wish to return to it.

All I know of birds to this date is that sparrows are the ones that are not pigeons.

I was in the video for Cyndi Lauper's 'Sally's Pigeons' when I first started acting.

We place no reliance On virgin or pigeon; Our Method is Science, Our Aim is Religion.

I don't understand why people would want to get rid of pigeons. They don't bother no one.

You are what you choose to identify with. You have the choice. A mouse raised by pigeons.

Look at all these pigeons, think they can just trust us humans? You can't trust us humans!

Don't be a pigeon if you were born to be an eagle. Experience God's altitude for your life.

Not kill us," Pigeon corrected. "She was mainly just trying to turn us into mindless slaves.

My career is chequered. Then I think I got pigeon-holed in humour; Shakespeare is not my thing.

You have to accept the fact that sometimes you are the pigeon, and sometimes you are the statue.

The 11-minute 'Colouring of Pigeons' takes The Knife's experimental, cerebral side to new heights.

When I lived in Delhi, I used to visit the Lodhi Gardens and feed the pigeons, crows, and ducks there.

Pigeon racing is a lousy, greedy, and often unlawful activity. One thing that it is not is kind to birds.

Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest.

It always seemed to me a sort of clever stupidity only to have one sort of talent - like a carrier pigeon.

I'll sit in the park and feed the pigeons for a while.' We don't have pigeons.' Then I'll feed the pterodactyls.

Pigeons are gentle and smart and have complex social relationships. Their hearing and vision are both excellent.

I think that I've been pigeon-holed by virtue of the fact that I've spent so much time in front of a green screen.

The only difference between a pigeon and the American farmer today is that a pigeon can still make a deposit on a John Deere.

You don't want to get pigeon-holed. So, I always get attracted to parts that are different from the previous ones I've played.

This fellow pecks up wit, as pigeons peas; And utters it again when God doth please: He is wit's pedler; and retails his wares.

There are bugs and there are the pigeons and other predators, but you shouldn't be afraid of them, because this is how nature works.

The English eat all sorts of birds - pigeons, ducks, sparrows - but if you tell them you eat puffin, you might as well come from Mars.

The manuscript may go forth from the writer to return with a faithfulness passing the faithfulness of the boomerang or the homing pigeon.

He plants his feet stubbornly, adopting what he must think is an heroic post. He's just begging for a pigeon to fly by and relieve itself.

You walk into a strip club with a wad of cash; they all flock around you. Strippers are just pigeons with tits. They go where the bread is.

You can watch actors create their illusions, but if you don't see where they get the pigeons from, you don't really know how they're doing it.

Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there.

Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there.

I have never been able to understand why pigeon-shooting at Hurlingham should be refined and polite, while a rat-killing match in Whitechapel is low.

By the eighteenth book, one has a sense of having bricked oneself into a niche, a roosting place for other people's pigeons. I wouldn't recommend it.

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