I hate political correctness.

Political correctness is bad.

Political correctness is evil.

Political correctness is a minefield

Political correctness kills discussion.

Political correctness, to me, is an enemy.

I just think political correctness is crap.

I think political correctness is a moving line.

Britain is obsessed with political correctness.

We're gonna get away from political correctness .

Political correctness has become a straightjacket.

Political correctness is a thing of leftist radicals.

Political Correctness doesn't change us, it shuts us up.

This era of political correctness out there needs to go.

In too many ways, political correctness has been a bully.

The core problem in our society is political correctness.

I think political correctness has taken over this country.

A lot of people are bored of all the political correctness.

We need less political correctness and more political courage.

The heck with political correctness. I've never believed in it.

Transcend political correctness and strive for human righteousness.

Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred.

Sufficiently advanced political correctness is indistinguishable from sarcasm.

A lot of it is backlash against all this political correctness that's going on.

I just think political correctness is a limitation on our First Amendment freedoms.

One thing I'm with Trump on is the political correctness in this country. It's draining.

Along with 'normal' people in this country, I'm sick and tired of political correctness.

One can be inclined to just say, "F this political correctness! I don't have time for that!"

When people talk about political correctness, the only element of any value is good manners.

The cornerstone of the political correctness that dominates campus culture is radical feminism.

Political correctness? In my humor, I never talk about politics. I was never much into all that.

Don't ever call me mad, Mycroft. I'm not mad. I'm just ... well, differently moraled, that's all.

We are so beaten down by political correctness that most of us are numb to the surrender of America.

I just don't accept midgets as human beings. There's only so much political correctness I can accept.

I will never be a fan of any kind of political correctness: I think it's instant death to creativity.

This lie of political correctness is bringing this country down. You just want to break through it all.

In an age of political correctness, even the most apparent gender assertions are dismissed as ignorance.

There is a term called political correctness, and I consider it to be a euphemism for political cowardice.

National Standards was not a narrative of past events but was leftwing revisionism and Political Correctness.

I got a feeling about political correctness. I hate it. It causes us to lie silently instead of saying what we think.

If you look at things historically, Kanye West has really represented the battering ram against political correctness.

I can't stand people who look into the camera and look into the eyes of millions of people and wax political correctness.

One of my goals in life is to watch political correctness shrivel up and die (as it should be for any true conservative).

I worry that we are approaching a time when that which is shocking is squeezed out by the Stalinism of political correctness.

Political correctness means nothing to me. Nothing. It's the new Puritanism, darling. Preventing us from expressing ourselves.

My God, war is not about bathrooms. War is not about political correctness or words that are meaningless. War is about winning.

You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more," said Yo-less. "It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.

As much as some people like to put down 'political correctness,' if it wasn't for political correctness, I wouldn't be free right now.

Once citadels of free expression and occasional revolutionary ideas, today many American colleges have endorsed political correctness.

While many liberals have dismissed the idea of political correctness as a right-wing manufactured hysteria, it is in fact a real thing.

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