Irony is a qualification of subjectivity.

I have no academic qualifications whatsoever.

I had the qualifications, but I was not chosen.

Best qualification for an aspiring journalist is curiosity.

The only thing that is good without qualification is a good will.

Your passion is your qualification. It's your leading qualification.

I'm not educated. I left school when I was 16, with no qualifications.

I adore adverbs; they are the only qualifications I really much respect.

I didn't have any qualifications when I left school - I had three O-levels.

In one way I would like to teach, but I have no qualifications to teach Westerners.

Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualification.

Women need to double and triple men to demonstrate their experience and qualifications.

The physical and emotional qualifications to survive an apocalypse are naturally equalizing.

The companion of an evening, and the companion for life, require very different qualifications.

I am not a chef. I am not even a trained or professional cook. My qualification is as an eater.

Nobody admires anyone else without qualification. If they do they're after an image, not a person.

I like to think of myself as a class act, and there are very few guys that meet all of my qualifications.

You only have a true choice when you know what opportunities are out there and what qualifications you need.

I hadn't been to drama school. I hadn't been to university and acted there. I had no qualifications behind me.

I believe no one qualification is so likely to make a good writer, as the power of rejecting his own thoughts.

I will watch a movie that is quote unquote dark and not get the qualification of what is dark and what is not.

Attacking another American's qualifications solely based on his ethnic background is bigotry. Plain and simple.

I left Scotland when I was 16 because I had no qualifications for anything but the Navy, having left school at 13.

People who reach the top of the tree are only those who haven't got the qualifications to detain them at the bottom.

Watchfulness is experiencing a sudden glimpse of something without any qualifications - just the sudden glimpse itself.

Failure in the management of practical affairs seems to be a qualification for success in the management of public affairs.

There's never any time I think I'm a real journalist, because I don't have any of the qualifications or the intentions for that.

Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them.

I left school with no qualifications, but I was doing theatre and film work and thought that was the best thing since sliced bread.

The average American is more focused on leadership than likeability. And more focused on qualifications than quality of speakership.

I have great confidence in Rick Caruso's unique qualifications and his ability to lead a successful bid for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

At one time I thought he wanted to be an actor. He had certain qualifications, including no money and a total lack of responsibility.

They say I do not have the qualifications to be president, that I do not have education. Well, I would never divide the Liberian people.

When it comes to the qualifications that we should demand of our president, to start with, we need someone who will take the job seriously.

Generally speaking, I think one has to take reviews with a grain of salt, unless you know who the person is and what their qualifications are.

One is entitled to say without qualification that the correlation between prior judicial experience and fitness for the Supreme Court is zero.

I believe that a limited quantity of immigrants, possibly through an Australian-style program on the basis of work qualifications, can be let in.

Did I have a mis-spent youth? I suppose I did in that I left school early without any qualifications, having bunked off a few times for tournaments.

What was I qualified to do to make a living? Nothing. You don't need qualifications as an actor or a politician. And I didn't want to be a politician.

To maintain their own competitiveness, workers need to attain and stay current on the qualifications needed to advance in a constantly evolving economy.

Good education is so important. We do need to look at the way people are taught. It not just about qualifications to get a job. It's about being educated.

A boardroom is a collection of individuals, and individuals have varying motives, egos, agendas and qualifications. Sometimes the dynamics can go off track.

All men will commence in their present rank and promotion will be open to all men alike, without any distinctions or qualifications, political or otherwise.

I just did loads of dead-end jobs and a lot of travelling - just farting around, really. I had quite a lot of fun, but I've got no qualifications, no skills.

If we can modernise the workforce, make them better qualified, have this framework of qualifications, then I think they have a very good case for more money.

I feel very confident that that information should be sufficient for the members of the Senate to make an informed decision about John Roberts' qualifications.

I have no qualifications to do anything else and there weren't any formal application forms you had to fill in for stand-up, so I thought I'd give that a twist.

He has selected from a group of overwhelming candidates. This candidate was nominated to the Supreme Court because of his extremely overwhelming qualifications.

When an actor plays a scene exactly the way a director orders, it isn't acting. It's following instructions. Anyone with the physical qualifications can do that.

The mentality needs to be changed, and sometimes legislation needs to be improved. There is a perception that apprenticeships are for jobs with low qualifications.

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