Reality TV is not real.

I don't watch reality TV.

Reality TV has taken over.

Reality TV is anything but.

I'm not a fan of reality TV.

I just don't like reality TV.

Reality TV rots people's brains.

I do watch reality TV every night.

I don't watch reality TV. I'm cool.

I'm completely done with reality TV.

I love trashy reality TV - all of it.

I have so much to thank reality TV for.

I've been on reality TV since I was 23.

I dont really enjoy watching reality TV.

I don't really enjoy watching reality TV.

I'm the Christopher Biggins of reality TV.

I went onto reality TV as a business decision.

Reality TV to me is the museum of social decay.

Just like Bollywood, reality TV runs in my blood.

Reality TV looks more like America than movies do.

It's like watching a car accident, that reality TV.

As long as Reality TV doesn't get boring, it's good.

Love & Hip Hop' is like the Super Bowl of reality TV.

I'm not an actress, I'm a girl who was on reality TV.

I can't stand folk who are all snobby about reality TV.

My guilty pleasure is reality TV, as I am really nosey.

I was an actress long before I was a reality TV person.

I don't want to be a reality TV star - that's not for me.

If you're rude for television's sake, it ain't reality TV.

It's great to have an acting job in the age of Reality TV.

I'm a TV addict, and I personally really enjoy reality TV.

For me, I feel like reality TV is anything but these days.

I've never had any resentment about being a reality TV star.

Reality TV is easier to digest if it comes in small amounts.

I don't like reality TV. I don't want to look down on people.

I get labelled a ditzy, blonde reality TV person, which is fine.

I do like reality TV. I've always liked 'Survivor' since season 1.

Reality TV is a totally different animal than the infomercial world.

There's some great reality TV, and I'm not bagging on it completely.

Truth is stranger than fiction, which is why reality TV is so popular.

Don't go watching reality TV thinking your going to find a role model.

I'd have to say that reality TV ruined our family, and it's a disgrace.

I think that's where reality TV works - you don't know where it's going.

I think reality TV is a little tougher for me than I thought it would be.

I believe that reality TV should be called 'not reality' TV; it's fiction.

Switch off reality TV! I've only ever been able watch about 30 seconds of it.

Baseball ultimately is a drama without a script. It's the original reality TV.

Reality TV, although I'm a part of it, I think reality TV is a terrible thing.

There's a difference between reality TV and reality. There's a big difference.

I love watching reality TV, but being part of making it was just demoralizing.

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