I'm straightlaced, don't do drugs, stick to my regimen.

I like to have a regimen. I don't like to be fancy free.

I have a very strict skincare regimen that I do every day.

I've learned to duplicate my beauty regimen from drug store products.

Supplements have always been a really big part of my training regimen.

If you set a regimen up, you can lose weight. I grinded my weight off.

My fitness regimen primarily consists of power yoga, cardio and light weight training.

My daily beauty regimen consists of washing my face before bed and putting on moisturizer.

My regimen is I wake up, usually around 8:30, brush my teeth, and splash water on my face.

One reason for high health care costs is that patients fail to follow their treatment regimen.

The cancer is in remission, and I will shortly go on a drug maintenance regimen to keep it there.

I'm an English boy. I played a lot of sports growing up, but I never had any kind of workout regimen.

I do not usually follow a rigid fitness regimen, and most of it depends upon what goals I have in my mind.

My version of makeup is a really intense skin regimen. I just think it's a healthier way to look at beauty.

Whether you're a batsman, bowler, or an all-rounder, fitness is tough if you follow your regimen religiously.

My father set a strict regimen for me. He insisted that I learn to play many musical instruments before I choose one.

I get my eyelashes done. I get my top lashes done, and then I use waterproof mascara for my bottom lashes. It's an easy regimen.

I really like to hike. L.A. is a great place for that. And doing yoga a couple of times a week is a really big part of my regimen.

My mother never put an emphasis on looks. She let us grow up on our own time line. She never forced any beauty regimen into my world.

I guess actually playing on the records and touring is a great forced practice regimen for me. And you learn a lot playing with people.

A 'diet' is simply an individual's eating regimen: it doesn't have to mean the restrictive plan we've come to associate this word with.

I have a punishing workout regimen. Every day I do 3 minutes on a treadmill, then I lie down, drink a glass of vodka and smoke a cigarette.

When I'm on a strict eating regimen, at some point I have to have French fries, a cheeseburger and some pizza. And Oreos and vanilla ice cream!

I'm really proud of myself because I've pared my beauty regimen down to a cream blush and berry-tinted lip balm, which has saved me so much time.

I'd like to get into some sort of workout regimen so I can properly be healthy and exercise like a normal human being. I seem to not do that... ever.

I feel I should get better at my fitness regimen, but I think it's about doing it more regularly rather than expecting miracles. There are no shortcuts.

I am very, very strict with my workout regimen; not so much with my food, because I'm always working out, so I can allow myself to be a bit more naughty!

I've never loved spending time on the machines at the gym. But I have discovered an exercise regimen I can dedicate myself to: yoga. It's changed my body.

While I try to keep my fitness regimen consistent, during awards season, I'm especially conscious of what I'll be wearing and plan my workouts accordingly.

I'm really strict with my skincare regimen. No matter what's happening in my life, I wash my face every single night and I moisturize - even if it's 4 A.M.

In prison, inmates sometimes use Cheetos and grape juice as makeup. I wouldn't use that beauty regimen around Britney Spears - she might lick your face off!

During the offseason, I didn't take any time off. And I played this game for over 20 years. So right after the season, I would go right back into my regimen.

I don't have an offseason workout regimen. I don't lift weights. I don't run. I don't do anything. I let my body rest. I just eat good. I actually eat great.

I spent a couple of years not doing any music or anything, just here in Hawaii trying to get healthy and adjust to the new regimen I was setting up for myself.

One of the benefits of having an audience is that it requires a regimen, a need to create on a regular basis. I don't believe in waiting for the muse to visit.

I've been dancing since I was seven, but I never really developed a regimen until I was on Broadway and responsible for a professional performance every night.

The workout regimen I follow works for each body part like arms, legs, core muscles, biceps and triceps. And, I work out daily for nearly one and a half hours.

My workout regimen at the moment is nonexistent. I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. My toothbrush and deodorant are my only dumbbells. That's about it.

We have to get up, and we have to move our bodies. We need to move! There is no way to be healthy or happy - no way - without having some kind of exercise regimen.

I have a very strict regimen of showing up at my desk at a certain hour with my cup of green tea. It is very quiet. I don't like having a lot of atmosphere around.

Since childhood, my mother made sure I oiled my hair and conditioned them properly every week. I still follow that regimen. Plus, I have naturally good quality hair.

It's not like the average lawyer or doctor is a physical Adonis. But it is amazing how many intelligent, obsessed people are driven in their physical regimen as well.

My daily beauty regimen is definitely always in the mornings, and at night, always washing my face with a basic cleanser. I also use a moisturizer with SPF to follow up.

I added a new strength training regimen in my training, and I feel like I've become a much stronger, more dynamic athlete. That makes me much more dangerous against anyone.

Pop songs are not as graceful as they used to be. Performers today haven't gone through the regimen of learning how to write. And of course, everyone wants to own copyrights.

Before you start a practicing regimen, you have to be aware that the study of music is a lifelong process-it's a discipline. And the key to mastering any discipline is consistency.

The more natural or eco-based products you can introduce into your beauty regimen, the more beneficial it is for your skin. It's similar to introducing organic food into your daily diet.

I had been wanting to work out with a trainer for a very long time. I always had a good cardio regimen, but I didn't know how to tone up or use weights properly - and I wasn't sure where to start.

On one hand I am this weird androgynous tomboy where I'm strangely low maintenance and have a five-minute makeup regimen. On the other I'm obsessed with all things beauty, from skin care to makeup.

Self-care is so much more than a beauty regimen or an external thing you do. It has to start within your heart to know what you need to navigate your life. A pedicure doesn't last, but meditating every day does.

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