Certain things just rub me the wrong way.

When you've got your man down, rub him out.

Let's just not sort of rub grandeur in people's faces.

It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others.

Sometimes I rub people the wrong way, although I'm very polite.

Some voices don't blend. They just kinda rub against each other.

I always hated the thought of not having two pennies to rub together.

Don't sit there and complain. Rub your hands together and figure out what to do.

There is no 'magic water' that you can rub on a script to make the jokes funnier.

In order to represent life on the stage, we must rub elbows with life, live ourselves.

I'm a pretty good winner. I'm a terrible loser. And I rub it in pretty good when I win.

I'm a bad loser, but I'm not a good winner either - I like to rub it in people's faces!

I'm just trying to use my happiness and motivation to rub off on other people around me.

All pressure is self-inflicted. It's what you make of it or how you let it rub off on you.

A face in the picture would bother me, so I'd rub it out with the turpentine and do it over.

You try on purpose to get players with different qualities which will rub off on one another.

Kevin Nash had a swagger about him. A lot of those things that I watch kind of rub off on me.

My characters populate a big, vibrant world. Sometimes they rub shoulders. Sometimes they don't.

I used to have this lucky rock and I used to always have to rub it three times before I competed.

Sometimes I wake at night in the White House and rub my eyes and wonder if it is not all a dream.

At the end of the day, no one asks a woman, 'Do you need a neck rub? Do you need a drink, honey?'

I don't want to offend nobody, and I don't rub anybody the wrong way. That's a part of growing up.

I've always felt my wife had class and a lot more culture than I do, and I've seen that rub off on Eli.

Don't be afraid to play with combinations and quantities of spices to create your own bespoke spice rub.

My dad wasn't a gangster, and he wasn't a criminal, but he sure liked to rub padded shoulders with them.

I don't necessarily get rubs from championships, I'd like to feel the championship gets a rub off of me.

The real rub is finding that authentic self and it's not something that's going to come to you overnight.

Sometimes I just rub the fruit that I eat for breakfast on my face to hydrate it and give it a nice glow.

Coconut oil. I rub it through my hair, all over my skin, all over my body. Natural's the better way to go.

I have perfected the art of putting my feet on my husband's lap during awards ceremonies so he can rub them.

She's definitely an angel sent from above. How can that not rub off on a man? What can I say? I'm a mama's boy.

Always try to rub up against money, for if you rub up against money long enough, some of it may rub off on you.

If I eat a huge meal and I can get the girl to rub my belly, I think that's about as romantic as I can think of.

I could spend a whole day at a spa. I'd get a facial, a scalp rub, massages, then eat some grapes and be good to go.

When I was a kid, I had this idea that I would have a beard when I got older. I thought it'd be nice to rub my chin.

If I could only get people to rub my belly for good lucky and then throw money in my fountain, it'd be a perfect world.

The descent to the infernal regions is easy enough, but to retrace one's steps, and reach the air above, there's the rub.

Dab - don't rub - cream formulas onto your skin. Rubbing washes out the color, so do that only if you've put on too much.

I rub a mixture of honey and salt all over my body to moisturise and exfoliate. You wash it off and your skin is gorgeous.

I want to perform and be tested; I want the vibrant energy of the younger generation of directors and actors to rub off on me.

I'm a very vengeful person - if someone didn't wanna get on board with me and I'm doing it well I'm gonna rub it in their face.

Men don't know how to act like men sometimes. Take the trash out. Open up the door. Rub my feet. I mean, it's a two-way street!

I had an older brother that would beat me in everything, and then he would rub my nose in it, and that made me work even harder.

In the company of the accomplished, people hope it will rub off on themselves, in the company of the misfortunate, they fear it!

Hollandaise, I would like to pour over my head and just rub all over myself. Eggs Benedict is genius. It's eggs covered in eggs.

The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community.

I was a chubby boy. My pants used to wear out in the middle, and it was because my legs used to rub together. I wasn't obese, just chunky.

When you're away, I'm restless, lonely, wretched, bored, dejected; only here's the rub, my darling dear, I feel the same when you're near.

I'm not normally a jewelry person. I'm supposed to be a working class champion and all, and I don't like to rub my success in people's faces.

To be able to rub shoulders with kids who have spent their entire lives studying the classics... that's something I need to improve my overview.

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