It's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life.

You get used to sadness, growing up in the mountains, I guess.

Emptiness has its solace in that there's nothing left to take.

The world doesn't need any more sadness than it's already got.

You should eat a waffle! You can't be sad if you eat a waffle!

Humor without sadness underneath it feels cheap and aggressive.

Cry for the soul that will not face the body as an equal place.

Sadness of not knowing enough words to [express what you mean].

People should never sit alone for too long when they're crying.

Most comedians come from a dark past and have a lot of sadness.

A plague of sighing and grief! It blows a man up like a bladder.

Now you see how you are, the wisdom mixed in with all the scars.

So consumed in all your doom, trying hard to fill the emptiness.

We all have sadness in our life and things that we can draw upon

Our lives are full of all the genres. Fear and hope and sadness.

Lord knows I've paid my dues getting through, tangled up in blue.

There's nothing like the comfort of a silence that's comfortable.

Oh the piercing sadness of life in the midst of its ordinariness!

No wonder sorrow doesn’t smile much. No wonder sadness is so sad.

I immediately target sadness and conflict and disruption in life.

Sadness isn't an emotion that most cool bands want to talk about.

We all have sadness in our life and things that we can draw upon.

No sadness is greater than in misery to rehearse memories of joy.

The smiling portrait of you is still hanging on my frowning wall.

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.

You who wish to conquer pain, you must learn what makes one kind.

I disliked the unfamiliar happiness more than the familiar sadness

I have sadness in me. I have anger in me. I have heartbreak in me.

I only felt a cold wind blow while I tried to hang on to the past.

Tears are often a gift from God, and sadness is a healthy emotion.

Walk out backwards if you must go, but please don't wave good-bye.

Rainy day people all know there's no sorrow they can't rise above.

I've never wanted to be loved. And God Knows no one's done it yet.

I too have known joy and sadness, and, on the whole, I prefer joy.

Sadness is no more than a bit of acid transfixed in the cerebellum.

Feel no sadness because of evil thoughts: it only strengthens them.

It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate.

Keep busy at something: a busy person never has time to be unhappy.

I get lost, sometimes. Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart.

There is nothing so cleansing or reassuring as a vicarious sadness.

The way sadness works is one of the strangest riddles of the world.

It is better to drink of deep grief than to taste shallow pleasures.

Sadness is a powerful foe, maybe harder to keep down than happiness.

God is in the sadness and the laughter, in the bitter and the sweet.

I cried, for happiness, for sadness, but most of all, for emptiness.

She is so lost in her sadness that she has no idea how visible it is.

Talking about the body getting old, there's a sadness to it in a way.

There is no love; There are only the various envies, all of them sad.

Sadness is an opportunity; a good opportunity to learn the real life!

When all our tears have reached the sea, part of you will live in me.

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