They tore out my heart and stomped that sucker flat.

In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends.

I don't want sadness or happiness to affect my life.

I've got no one to blame for every time I feel lame.

There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.

Loneliness surrounds me without your arms around me.

People don't die from suicide, they die from sadness.

In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.

People are lonely, and only animals with fancy shoes.

Music expresses first of all sadness rather than joy.

You know you're in trouble, when the bartender cries.

Intoxicated with madness, I'm in love with my sadness

I love sad. Sadness makes you feel more than anything.

A cork screw to my heart, ever since we've been apart.

My country's main exports are stolen cars and sadness.

My declining allure is a source of great sadness to me.

The best thing for being sad ... is to learn something.

[The blues] is the antidote for sadness and depression.

Self-pity” is just sadness, I think, in the pejorative.

Sadness is almost never anything but a form of fatigue.

I'll be damned if death wears my sadness for glad rags.

As long as we stick together , we can smash the sadness

There ain't nothing like regret to remind you're alive.

The human body is mostly blood and mystery and sadness.

Even among the angels, there is the sadness of division.

A frowning face can't bring out the beauty that you are.

Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations.

I think often sadness is a great place to get songs from.

It's the poignancy and sadness in things that gets to me.

Hate is a place where a man who can’t stand sadness goes.

If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.

Don't feel bad when I die; I've been dead for a long time.

I think there is something beautiful in reveling in sadness

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness every day.

Parting with friends is a sadness. A place is only a place.

Our infinite sadness can only be cured by an infinite love.

An autumn garden has a sadness when the sun is not shining.

God must have something to do with joy ... and with sadness.

Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.

For me, the opposite of happiness isn't sadness but boredom.

Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison.

Though the night seems long, you're tears won't fall forever.

His sadness was of the kind that is patient and without hope.

The price of a memory, is the memory of the sorrow it brings.

Love taught me to cry So come on courage! Teach me to be shy.

The trouble with boxing is that too often it ends in sadness.

It is perhaps sad books that best console us when we are sad.

Bully for you, chilly for me, got to get a raincheck on pain.

I think things are dishonest if they're not aware of sadness.

Be of good cheer, for sadness cannot heal the national wounds.

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