Agriculture drives most people crazy. It keeps me sane.

In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom.

I run every day. It keeps me sane and it's my meditation.

I keep myself sane with stuff that's fun and not physical.

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?

It's not a very sane thing to try to be great all the time.

People like my honesty. When I'm sane, I'm very much myself.

What frightens us most in a madman is his sane conversation.

Much better to be crazy provided you know what/where sane is.

What keeps me sane the most is, honestly, the Serenity Prayer.

Pursue success, long after any sane person would have given up.

Golf has probably kept more people sane than psychiatrists have.

No realistic, sane person goes around Chicago without protection.

Suddenly the world has run amok and left you alone and sane behind

I always say, 'Eat clean to stay fit; have a burger to stay sane.'

The only sane response to change is to find the opportunity in it.

I can assure you I'm quite sane and have proof that dialog 'works.'

My friends and I are crazy. That's the only thing that keeps us sane!

Sometimes seeming happy can be self-destructive even when you're sane.

If there wasn't a God we would have to invent one to keep people sane.

No man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.

My friends are the friends I've had forever, that's kept me very sane.

I tell you, in this world, being a little crazy helps to keep you sane.

I'm bipolar, but I'm not crazy, and I never was. I'm stark raving sane.

I've got this theory that there is a Volvo in any sane person's future.

When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane.

Any sane person would have left long ago. But I cannot. I have my sons.

Am I afraid of high notes? Of course I am afraid. What sane man is not?

It is rarely that you see an American writer who is not hopelessly sane.

I am a reasonable and sane functionalist tempered by irrational frivolity.

No sane human being devotes 100% of his or her life to political activism.

The surest test if a person be sane, is if she accepts life whole, as it is.

When I was a kid, I was mostly pretty sane. I've gotten more hypochondriacal.

I would describe myself as quite sane and lucid, which is why I'm still alive.

When you live entirely among madmen, it is difficult to know how sane you are.

Don't stay with someone who drives you crazy. Find someone who keeps you sane.

I thought you were sane," I said, "but you're just as crazy as the rest of them.

Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.

I just want to be a sane person. I wanna be a person who has a life and who acts.

I write songs that are like diary entries. I have to do it in order to feel sane.

I haven't got a problem with sheeple calling me crazy. What's sane? What is crazy?

I hate playing pretty or sane people. Most people are not attractive or all there.

My writing always came out of a very personal place, out of an attempt to stay sane.

Let the mad find wisdom in their madness for the sane, and let the sane be grateful.

I like you because you were mad. And you're pretty. And pretty sane for a mad person.

I did not want to get involved with a rock star. No way. It is not a sane thing to do.

If God continues to give me health and a sane mind and verbal ability, I want to teach.

I spend as much time as possible at my stable in the Hollywood Hills. It keeps me sane.

People tell me that I am well-grounded. I am sane in the New England sense of the word.

My job is one of the things that keeps me sane. I love what I do and I'm lucky to do it.

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