I'd love to interview Mick Jagger, but that might be scary.

I think I streaked one time when I was 16, which was scary.

I want to be scary, boring, philosophical, funny, touching.

The idea of dates, boxes, categories are very scary for me.

The end of the world is approaching, maybe by the year 2010.

I've been in electric storms in the mountains. Scary things.

How can such scary looking parents create something so cute?

It is hard to make a movie funny and scary at the same time.

What do you know? She liked to be told she was scary. Kinky.

I know peace exists. And we are always changing. It's scary.

It's really scary when you have a moment of temporary sanity.

We do stigmatise teens a lot and see them as scary and alien.

One of the things is that you need to space out scary movies.

I always loved scary movies, and my dad was a film professor.

Monsters aren't as scary if you start shining lights on them.

Indonesia is one of the most scary and scared places on earth.

It felt scary because there was no auditioning, no rehearsing.

Shops are not a growing business, so it's a scary place to be.

Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend.

I don't see scary films. I certainly wouldn't go see my films.

As a director, if you know what you want, then it's not scary.

Growing up is scary because it happens without you knowing it.

It's always an honor and a scary experience to sing new music.

When someone changes your face, it's really shocking and scary.

Cancer is a scary thing and you have to deal with it seriously.

Everything is scary if you look at it. So you just got to live.

Personally, I'm a real wimp with scary movies. I get so scared.

When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth.

The worst part of success is, to me, adapting to it. It's scary.

Please do not put earthly expectations on a heavenly experience.

Girls are scary. Large groups of girls scare the crap out of me.

Knowing you're gay, as a kid in the '80s, is a very scary thing.

I'm against anything atheists represent because I believe in God.

I went to Moscow and met some slightly powerful and scary people.

I've been having an affair, but I still believe in family values.

The best scary movies have great humor in them and a great story.

I always find it a little scary to say that I'm like a character.

I think it's scary to be alive, but also exhilarating and joyful.

Being five-foot-ten at fourteen years old was a little bit scary.

Enlightenment is scary. Sometimes things look better in the dark.

Long before punk entered my life, I loved scary films and stories.

Conventional wisdom is so scary because what if everybody's wrong?

It must be scary to stand up for beliefs also held by Eric Holder.

It's a scary life and sometimes you think you'll never work again.

Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.

I'm definitely not for any haunted houses. They're all scary to me.

I don't see scary movies. I've never seen 'The Exorcist' or 'Jaws'.

If I read a scary story in the newspaper, I find I'm haunted by it.

All acting is nudity. It's all vulnerable - and a little bit scary.

We live in a very scary time. Or should I say we don't live at all.

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