I am actually as good as everybody else pretends to be. It's scary.

She's strong! And scary...I bet she's single...I'd put money on it.

I think being a dad is scary. I mean, I'm not that grown-up myself.

Big emotions that are unexplained are really scary. At least to me.

The demons were scary, but girls - Well, girls are really terrifying

All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.

They put the Negroes in the schools, and now they've driven God out.

The deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914.

I grew up watching 'The Ring,' 'The Grudge,' all those scary movies.

Every other writer's process is sort of vaguely scary and appalling.

The clock talked loud. I threw it away, it scared me what it talked.

I want to be honest, and even if that's scary, I know it's worth it.

Scary monsters are like Hula Hoops. They come in and out of fashion.

This one time I stayed up way past my bedtime... man that was scary.

The world might be a very scary place if it were only run by Virgos.

We do not wish and do not need to expel Arabs and take their places.

What's scary is the unknown, the stuff you can't put your finger on.

That's a very scary thing to think about, being trapped in a coffin.

'Buried Alive' is a little scary, but also a comedy at the same time.

You can close your eyes if you want. Sometimes things are less scary.

The primary cause of this national crisis is the feminization of men.

I think it is scary anytime anyone is coming at you asking questions.

People say I have a scary face. I find that to be a mixed compliment.

Old people are scary. And I have to face it. I am old and I am scary.

I always just wanted to be funny. I never really planned to be scary.

I just don't like to go out and deal with the real world. It's scary.

[The disestablishment of religion] may not have been such a good idea.

Making 'bad people' seem human is the key to making them really scary.

I don't concentrate on if a moment is scary or not. That's not my job.

the scary part is that people don't realize how much they've changed .

Making "bad people" seem human is the key to making them really scary.

Seen through the eyes of a U.S. soldier, Afghanistan is a scary place.

That's the scary part about TV, how you'll feel about it in six years.

I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.

Being a comedian is an incredible thing, but it can be scary sometimes.

To be a veiled Muslim woman on screen is a very scary minefield for me.

Think about scary movies: There's a fine line between horror and humor.

When you can't ask a question of your leaders anymore, that gets scary.

It's very scary to become someone new, to take that path less followed.

I found a lot of fairy tales scary. They really didn't sit well with me.

I think people would be most surprised to know that I love scary movies.

To Americans, English manners are far more frightening than none at all.

In a world we find terrifying, we ratify that which doesn't threaten us.

I love scary movies. The Shining and Don't Look Now are two of the best.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

I love scary movies. I like blood and gore, and I love Halloween movies.

I played for 20 years for Sir Alex Ferguson, and he could be a scary man.

When one is writing a novel in the first person, one must be that person.

Secondarily, I think films that are driven by music also terrify studios.

Clowns drink to blot out the ravages of terrifying children for a living.

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