Eat my shorts!

I just really love wearing shorts!

I love sundresses and I love shorts.

The perfect shorts are always important.

Oh God, I am so pro-shorts. I love shorts.

I love thigh highs, heels, shorts, or a skirt.

I can't believe people would ever wear shorts.

I just wanted to see how the shorts felt again.

As soon as I could talk, I chose shorts to wear.

What's the point of shorts if they're not short?

There was a time when caddies couldn't wear shorts.

You made your own jean shorts...with a butter knife?

Success sometimes can really bite you in the shorts.

I never want to be seen in my boxer shorts ever again.

Seriously, when's the last time you saw me wear shorts?

What kind of shorts I wear has nothing to do with music.

Everyone has to do 20 push-ups for the mellophones shorts.

I like playing a guy who wears pants as opposed to shorts.

I prefer little hotpant-like shorts, but I wear thongs too.

You know, I wake up every day with a T-shirt and shorts on.

I'd do a podcast about guys wearing shorts when it's too cold.

People look great in leggings and shorts and athletic clothes.

Veggard Heggem, my word, he must have a Yamaha down his shorts.

I tend to think shorts are too casual That's just not businesslike.

My go-to fashion uniform would be shorts and some really cool sneakers.

Michael Jordan always wore his Carolina shorts under his Bulls' uniform.

A lot of women in the summer nowadays are just a bunch of stuffed shorts.

I don't understand longer shorts. I don't think they look good on anyone.

I love summer, but my legs are so pale I can never wear shorts or a bikini.

Leverage your brand. You shouldn't let two guys in a garage eat your shorts.

If you feel like an idiot wearing neon yellow shorts, you shouldn't wear them.

People wear shorts to the Broadway theater. There should be a law against that.

A lot of shorts spend too much time setting up the idea; sometimes they meander.

On my days off, I love denim cut off shorts with gladiator sandals and crop tops.

My body's urge is to be in a pair of shorts, working and going down to the beach.

Sometimes I just want to sit in my boxer shorts and cry. That's what being a human is.

My style is ghetto chic. I love tacky jewelry, mega heels, high-waisted shorts, catsuits.

I've directed web series, music videos, film shorts, and theater. It's just a hat I put on.

On screen, if I have to wear shorts or bikini for a scene, I should have the body for that.

There was a period where I was wearing MMA shorts a lot 'cause I was doing two-a-day sessions.

I wear short shorts. After 10 years of strenuous ballet, it's the least my legs can do for me.

Shorts are silly. Men in shorts are silly men. And silly is the very worst thing a man can be.

Catsuits were big for me in the '90s, and I had many of them. Even catsuits with shorts in them.

A lot of people say, 'AC/DC - that's the band with the little guy who runs around in school shorts!'

It is a point of pride for the American male to keep the same size jockey shorts for his entire life.

Here, cover yourself with this and I'll wash your shorts." "Oh, I don't care if you see me," says Peeta.

It's really important to me to stick to my roots by doing what's West Coast: wearing T-shirts and shorts.

I don't have any elaborate uniforms; I come to the ring in a T-shirt, a pair of sneakers and some shorts.

We wear 'Autism' on our shorts to raise awareness and show support for other families dealing with autism.

I think it's pretty silly that people wear boxers. You're wearing shorts under your pants. They're shorts.

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