I don't know if it's a consequence of 'Black Mirror,' but I am slowly becoming more and more technophobic.

Everyone has a different life story. Things happen rapidly for someone, and things move slowly for others.

The computer tends to equalize everything, all the movies are slowly blending together, the way they look.

It all went wrong with football, the thing I loved most of all, and from there, my life slowly fell apart.

I think that true horror is accomplished by slowly getting into your brain. The old way is much more scary.

Slowly poetry becomes visual because it paints images, but it is also musical: it unites two arts into one.

Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.

I have to say to the Government that you are not even getting nowhere fast - you are getting nowhere slowly.

The wheels of Hollywood grind very slowly so I'm going to have some collagen or some sort of plastic surgery.

If inheritance tax were to be introduced for the monarch, it would mean slowly slicing away the royal assets.

It's not sinking in, as I still believe I am a kid! And now I am going to have a kid. I'm slowly digesting it.

From my own perspective, I value productivity more than tradition, but the customs of the House evolve slowly.

I'm mostly a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly find yourself getting folded into the musical tapestry.

I used to compose a lot of music for video games, before I got into movies, and I am slowly getting back to it.

The Masters, while it has slowly gained equal importance as a major, isn't really the championship of anything.

But it wasn't until I deleted Twitter that everything changed for me and I slowly started to feel normal again.

I always saw myself as a stage actress, and that was the reason I wanted to act, but very slowly, I've changed.

Slowly but surely, people don't see 'Popstars: The Rivals,' they see Girls Aloud. We're a band in our own right.

I have this old speaker set with amps and a record player from the 1970s. And I'm slowly collecting vinyl again.

I write very, very slowly, and for me, I have to summon all sorts of resources to make one of these pieces work.

I get to live down my reputation for being cantankerous if I slowly evolve towards being a really good live show.

I didn't get that great a launch as an actress, but slowly and steadily, I made my presence felt in the industry.

People who are in abusive relationships often don't realise it, but it slowly seems to build until you're trapped.

Slowly, the oil and gas sector will decrease in Norway. The question in Norway is about how fast it will decrease.

Twitter can afford to build the wrong things. However, Twitter cannot afford to build the right things too slowly.

Only very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is universal it is only extended privilege.

The good thing is that people have slowly started helping each other and not shunning Corona patients to a corner.

I can't think of anything more crushing than slowly, over time, realizing exactly how wrong you were about someone.

If I were to try to describe the way in which I write, the only word I would use without qualification is 'slowly.'

I'm slowly working up the courage to sing in front of other people, but I can carry a tune. I do some mean karaoke.

Obama spoke so slowly because he, a clever and cultured man, had constantly to be on his guard against sounding it.

Take life slowly and deliberately, making sure to acknowledge the people who have helped you succeed along the way.

Slowly but surely, I went through different phases of fame, and each rises you further into isolation and alienation.

As our nation continues to slowly recover from the recession, it is clear some families are doing better than others.

The essentially unchangeable established order of things slowly disappeared and was forgotten for a while completely.

I'm slowly feeling more Chinese and feel I should be more proud of being Chinese and appreciate where I've come from.

I do feel like plus-size fashion is changing, but it's slowly changing. It's not growing as fast as we would all like.

It's a shameful thing to admit for someone who writes such long books, but I read so slowly that I almost subvocalize.

I don't tolerate anything that runs slowly. Whether it be a phone, tablet or computer, it has to run at optimum speed.

History may be divided into three movements: what moves rapidly, what moves slowly and what appears not to move at all.

My siblings and I kept everything to ourselves, and rather than blowing up in an instant, my family broke apart slowly.

Being able to rely on the matches I've won - at first they surprised me - but I've slowly been able to build confidence.

No one writes as slowly as I do, I'm convinced. It's so hard for me. I learn slowly; I make decisions at a snail's pace.

I am reaching a point in my life where the basketball chapter in my life is slowly closing from a competition standpoint.

Africa doesn't leap on you immediately; it seeps slowly, and it's incredibly important to be respectful and humble there.

In life, unlike in movies, people don't change - what's the word I'm looking for? - absolutely. They change a bit, slowly.

For the 'Heaven' stage, the dancers and I don't use wires so we are slowly slipping down the stage if you see us up close.

For some reason, ever since I was a little kid, I wake with the most energy of the day, and it slowly declines from there.

Our minds are slowly changing and men are taking up larger roles at home, while women are doing the same at the workplace.

Goalkeeping in women's football is catching up slowly. It is continuing to modernise, improving technically and physically.

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