Some things are impossible.

Some things are worth the splurge.

Some things you just don't get over.

Some things I don't want to remember.

Some things I have to keep to myself.

Some things we must pass over in silence.

Some things have to be believed to be seen.

Some things happen by accident - embrace them.

I'm sure there are some things I'm not good at.

I've drawn some things that have fallen very flat.

I'm a bartender's son. Some things you never forget.

There are some things worthy of risking your life for.

Some things are easier to legalize than to legitimate.

There are some things you only learn through experience.

Not everything has to mean something. Some things just are.

There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them.

There's some things that no amount of money can get me to do.

In the world of diplomacy, some things are better left unsaid.

Some things are so unexpected that no one is prepared for them.

Some things are too important to be left to the private sector.

There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.

Why does anything ever happen? Some things happen and some don't.

I'm sure I passed on some things that will probably be successful.

I believe some things are labelled impossible until they are done.

Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others.

I'm introverted by nature, and I need to have some things of my own.

Some things that work in a comic don't work in a film, and vice versa.

Not everything has a name. Some things lead us into a realm beyond words.

There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other.

You know, I have seven children, so I guess I know some things about life.

Only when a man will not do some things is he capable of doing great things.

We may disagree on some things, but we can do so without being disagreeable.

If you want to learn and to become somebody, you must sacrifice some things.

I like some things other people don't like, and they like stuff I don't like.

The supreme function of reason is to show man that some things are beyond reason.

Different members of different cultures will think that some things are beautiful.

If some things don't make me feel good, I stop them. How simple, yet so hard to do.

I like to keep some things to myself, because its called a private life, not public.

If some things don't make you lose your sense of reason, then you have none to lose.

Some things I see on television, I think, 'Oh my gosh, they're showing that now?' wow.

Be able to delegate, because there are some things that you just can't do by yourself.

You can't regulate child labor. You can't regulate slavery. Some things are just wrong.

Sometimes, some things have to settle, and you have to think about the intention of it.

I was a history undergrad, and there's some things I could do in academics or business.

I really believe that some things happen for a reason, and they make you a better person.

I try and manufacture recordings to sound spontaneous. Then, some things are spontaneous.

Some things are better than sex, and some are worse, but there's nothing exactly like it.

I think forgiveness is overrated, personally, because some things people do are unforgivable.

We may think we live in a digital age. But there are some things technology will never replace.

I felt very motivated to release some things in English because I wanna represent my community.

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