I do belong on stage.

The stage calls my name.

I lost my temper on stage.

On stage, I am in the dark.

The stage is my first love.

I'll die on the stage, man.

All the world's not a stage.

I feel like I own the stage.

I have big, big stage fright.

Get out on the stage of life.

I never felt I left the stage.

I was born to be on the stage.

I'm most comfortable on stage.

I definitely get stage fright.

The third stage is no thought.

In live stage, the actor lives.

There are many stages of grief.

I do my best creating on stage.

I love to go on stage and sing.

And my wrist froze STAGE FRIGHT

I don't stage my own publicity.

I'm not a big raised stage fan.

Being on stage is what I enjoy.

I'm not the nicest guy on stage.

Stage fright is my worst problem.

The stage is near and dear to me.

We kind of deny the stages of life.

The stock actor is a stage calamity

I feel energized walking off stage.

I’m really alive when I’m on stage.

I feel like my home is stage acting.

I'm a stage actor. That is what I do.

You have a lot of stages as an actor.

Nothing is perfect on the human stage.

It takes a lot of guts to get on stage.

My stage show is raw and unpredictable.

There's no such thing as an easy stage.

I once fell through a hole in the stage.

I am in a constant stage of development.

An old ham like me needs to be on stage.

I was not naturally meant to be on stage.

Progress is not accomplished in one stage.

I don't have a vast longing for the stage.

All that matters on the stage is good art.

Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage.

If it ain't on a page, it ain't on a stage.

In stages, the impossible becomes possible.

Slippery stages were the terror of my life.

I haven't been on the stage in a long time.

I just liked the feeling of being on stage.

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