Stevie Nicks is dope.

I listen to Stevie Nicks.

Stevie Wonder is extraordinary.

Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder?

Stevie Wonder was a big influence in my life.

My guitar setup is inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan.

I always have something by Stevie Wonder in my CD player.

I was actually discovered by Kai Millard and Stevie Wonder.

'As' by Stevie Wonder - it's the greatest song ever written, bro.

I really liked Stevie Ray Vaughn, so hey - I tried to look like him.

I don't dictate, you don't dictate to Stevie Wonder, not successfully.

My father would play Stevie Wonder in the car, but that never sunk in.

In my eyes, there's no one better than Stevie Wonder. He's a top dude.

Stevie Wonder's records introduced me to '70s soul when I was 12 or 13.

Stevie Wonder makes my heart happy and is my spirit animal. That is all.

Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross and the Jackson 5, that's what I grew up on.

I think Stevie Wonder could sing the phone book and manage to make me cry.

Beyonce, Stevie Nicks, Ani DiFranco, Cardi B - Women tell awesome stories.

For the record, I am not Stevie Wonder's wife, and no, I am not his child.

Everyone knows Stevie Nicks. She is mystifying. She's like a witchy woman.

It was a total dream of mine to have my voice on an album with Stevie Nicks.

I love '80s rock music. I was fascinated with Stevie Nicks when I was growing up.

I think my craziest Hollywood moment was performing at the Grammys with Stevie Wonder.

It's definitely true that Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of my all-time favorite guitarists.

Beyonce, Otis Redding, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, and Adele are a few of my favorites.

When I saw Santana for the first time, I was really inspired. Same with Stevie Ray Vaughn.

R Stevie Moore was obviously a huge influence and is still a very big influence in my life.

Stevie Winwood played like I'd never heard anybody play before. It just gave me goose bumps.

I think my favorite song from another artist would have to be 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder.

I love Sly Stone and James Brown and Stevie Wonder, and I want my music to reflect some of that.

There were three great child singing stars: Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Jackie Washington.

I'm obsessed with Stevie Nicks and I think she's awesome - everything from her music to her style.

Stevie Wonder doing 'We Can Work It Out' by the Beatles is one of my favorite records of all time.

Stevie Wonder is obviously the master at political music that's for everybody, that's still joyful.

There's a lot of people I'd like to write with, like Keith Urban or even as far out as Stevie Wonder.

To sing along with Stevie Wonder, you had to make your voice do things it was not accustomed to doing.

For me, as a performer or a songwriter, Stevie Nicks is always a huge inspiration as well as Iggy Pop.

I used to watch MTV when they played music, and discovered Robert Cray, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Healey.

My inspirations include the Beatles - love, love, love them - Elton John, Carole King, and Stevie Wonder.

Oh, yeah, I've always thought of covering some of my influences like Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.

I go back to things that are nostalgic for me - Michael Jackson, the Beatles, Britney Spears, Stevie Wonder.

In the 1970s, for all the Stevie Wonders, I'm sure there were five artists that were making forgettable music.

I'd say that Ray Charles is definitely the biggest influence on my singing. Also Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder.

I can't be Stevie Wonder; I can't be Marvin Gaye, but I can be the foundation that I think withholds that mold.

When I was 15, I wanted to be a jungle MC. Everybody I knew wanted to be Stevie Hyper D or Skibadee or whatever.

I love Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Brandi, Sade, Nat King Cole. I like the Beatles. I listen to a lot of that.

I saw George Bush at a benefit concert actually waving at Stevie Wonder. Someone had to tell him 'he can't see you'.

I am grateful I got the chance to meet Stevie Wonder! He's like royalty to me and is one of my biggest inspirations.

What I love about Stevie Wonder is the way he makes people feel. He's one of the best examples of how music can heal.

I grew in the inner city, listening to Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway, James Brown, The Commodores - lots of soul music.

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