Film is a strange thing.

Strange thing, this television.

Conducting is a strange thing to teach.

Physical beauty is such a strange thing.

This is the strange thing: Dancers don't age.

The mind of the performer is a very strange thing.

Becoming famous is a strange thing in your own right.

Yet habit - strange thing! what cannot habit accomplish?

Acting is a really strange thing to do; it's very strange.

I have always felt a little homeless. It's a strange thing.

Acting is such a strange thing, it's different for everybody.

What a strange thing man is; and what a stranger thing woman.

I'm not a musician, but I play music. So it's a strange thing.

The strange thing about people considering me upbeat is that I'm really not.

It's a very strange thing being recognized or looked upon as someone special.

I know Nirvana's a strange thing. It means a lot of things to a lot of people.

I've always had quite long canines. It's a very strange thing. My parents don't have them.

QTE is a very strange thing... it really depends on what you expect from your game experience.

I've been working for, like, 10 years now, which is a very strange thing to say when you're 23.

The strange thing about the Olympics is that delivering on your potential is always quite difficult.

War very strange thing. Not easy, not easy for sure to leave family, friends, even car, house, everything.

I am a slow reader. I always loved words, which is a strange thing given that I couldn't actually read them.

You know, I used to be made fun of as a kid for being really articulate; it was sort of like a strange thing.

It's a really strange thing to be doing, to go on stage and all of a sudden have bright lights and spotlights.

I actually went into writing first to supplement my income, which was a strange thing to do, and actually failed.

The strange thing about Africa is how past, present and future come together in a kind of rough jazz, if you like.

Developing characters is a strange thing. In the beginning they are abstract and I wonder how to move on from there.

It's a strange thing we do as actors. I'm walking out the door, and I'll say, 'O.K., honey, I'm off to take my clothes off.'

Money is a strange thing. It ranks with love as our greatest source of joy, and with death as our greatest source of anxiety.

A strange thing happens to me that I'm sure happens to a lot of actors when the camera starts rolling. I'm not 'me' any more.

It is a strange thing that true crime has now got entertainment value. I don't know why people love shows about crime so much.

Women are a strange thing. Like watches, houses, and cars, you really only need one at any moment in your life (French men disagree).

That's the strange thing about making a record. You can be in one mood for an hour, put it on a record, and you're remembered that way.

'The Strange Thing About the Johnsons' is so disturbing but so good, because it went through a lot of things that you don't really see, ever.

The strange thing is, no matter what, when you become some kind of public figure, you have your go-to answers for all scenarios and instances.

I don't watch an awful lot of television. It's a very strange thing, and I don't know a lot of people who work in telly who watch a lot of it.

The strange thing - and this is one of the advantages of being incredibly shallow and superficial - is that wherever I am, that's sort of home.

Film actually is a very strange thing - you can fly in, get off the plane, and climb into bed with somebody you've never met - and that's weird!

This is the strange thing about South Africa - for all its corruption and crime, it seems to offer a stimulating sense that anything is possible.

It's a strange thing to be a so-called alternative cartoonist, because in the early part of my career, I was really tethered to the superhero world.

The magical, supernatural force that is with us every second is time. We can't even comprehend it. It's such an illusion, it's such a strange thing.

I don't know why, but if I was walking down the street, the same people who called me freak would probably ask for a picture. It's a real strange thing.

Grief is a very strange thing. It can affect you in all kinds of ways. I lost a year. I've done a lot of therapy and it's great to be back on the horse.

I struggle if I have chaos around me, but at the same time, if I don't have it, I'm uncomfortable. It's a strange thing: If I don't have chaos, I create it.

It's a strange thing, but you get this click in your brain; the wonderful feeling that the entirety of a character is suddenly available and accessible to you.

Death is such a strange thing. One minute you're here and then just gone. You'd think there would be an anteroom, a place where you could be visited before you go.

The strange thing about living somewhere for a couple of years and then moving on and not returning is that those locations become ghosts of themselves in your mind.

But it's a strange thing when people judge you because you're not doing some big Hollywood film. Are you suggesting I should be in 'The Dukes of Hazzard?' I mean, hello?

It's a very strange thing for a designer to say, but one of the things that really irritates me in products is when I'm aware of designers wagging their tails in my face.

The strange thing is that since I've been offered lots of films I think that maybe they think that I've sold out to Hollywood. Which is not the case if anybody's listening.

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