Where God tears great gaps we should not try to fill them with human words.

The world is a world of tears, and the burdens of mortality touch the heart.

Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. It brings tears to your eyes.

Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry.

My name is Patrick Fitzgerald ... I like to tear the tops off small animals.

You have to get past the pleasure stage, until you reach the stage of tears.

Tears are akin to prayer - Pharisees parade prayers, imposters parade tears.

I never did pal around with actresses. Their talk usually bored me to tears.

She who knows life flows, feels no wear or tear, needs no mending or repair.

It literally brings me to tears when Sara Ramirez sings. She's unbelievable.

If we pay attention to our tears, they'll show us something about ourselves.

so people really do tear out their hair and beat the ground with their fists

Drying a widow's tears is one of the most dangerous occupations known to man.

That's what tears are for, you know, to wash away the fear and cool the hate.

There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.

Then she cried without tears, which is said to hurt even more like dry labor.

No one - apart from my agent, perhaps - should leave one of my shows in tears.

You, mad to expect repentance,Tear your robe all you want;I will never repent!

Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday, face your fears and wipe your tears.

... in this valley of tears we must expect much sorrow and little consolation.

There are tears that shine like a smile, sobbing like a sunrise for the truth.

When I look at my life and its secret colors, I feel like bursting into tears.

If there are any tears shed in heaven, it will be because we prayed so little.

Disney has the best casting. If he doesn't like an actor he just tears him up.

The true comic muse is the one with tears running down under her laughing mask.

When you walk out onstage in front of 65,000 people, it can bring you to tears.

Beckon The Sea, I'll Come To The.... Shed Seven Tears, Perchance Seven Years...

People say, 'Oh Mark, you're a big softie, and you burst into tears so easily.'

In any really good subject, one has only to probe deep enough to come to tears.

I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of his mother.

I had tears coming out of my eyes. And it was the characters that got me there.

All the rarest hues of human life take radiance and are rainbowed out in tears.

When I talk to another Afghan I am his or her equal and that moves me to tears.

My heart is empty & my life has no value anymore. Each moment a thousand tears.

Life is a vale of tears in which there are moments you just can't stop giggling.

For a tear is quickly dried, especially when shed for the misfortunes of others.

Let no one pay me honor with tears, nor celebrate my funeral rites with weeping.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. And get a massage - you look really stressed

Tears for the mourners who are left behind Peace everlasting for the quiet dead.

Yes," she says, her eyes bright with tears. "My dear child, you've done so well.

I know life is hard but we can always find hope in music and wash away our tears

Tear man out of his outward circumstances; and what he then is; that only is he.

A hundred hundred heartbeats..." whispered Sabriel, tears falling down her face.

The big round tears Cours'd one another down his innocent nose, In piteous chase.

No matter how bad the truth is, it doesn't tear you apart inside like dishonesty.

Poetry is written with tears, fiction with blood, and history with invisible ink.

Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, Just be true to who you are

The Italians say that a beautiful woman by her smiles draws tears from our purse.

Jesus will press his thumb against the cheek of humanity and wipe away all tears.

Cartooning is about deconstruction: you gotta tear something down to make a joke.

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