I love documentaries and TED talks.

I enjoyed working with Ted Kennedy.

Ted Danson is amazing. He's incredible.

I'm not Bill Gates. And I'm not Ted Turner.

The reality is, Ted Cruz has seen his best day.

I like 'Only Fools and Horses' and 'Father Ted.'

All my memories of 'Father Ted' are very pleasant.

I'd love to do something a little different than 'Ted.'

I listen to a lot of TED talks and motivational speakers.

Few men try for best ever, and Ted Williams is one of those.

'Ted' made me nearly cry. It's kind of like 'Marley and Me.'

They say 'Ted Cruz can't win.' Really? Have you talked to Ted?

Generally, TED speakers are believers in the scientific method.

I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.

Ted Griffin, who created 'Terriers,' is one of my dearest friends.

I haven't done the profoundly impactful work many TED speakers have.

I should give a TED Talk about my TV-marathoning skills. It's my sport.

I guess my claim to fame is I've now gaveled Ted Kennedy to order twice.

I've heard of Francis Drake and Ted Drake. But I don't know who Drake is.

Well, I am a lot like my dad, and the character of Ted is based on my dad.

I wish there was a painter who could paint as well as Ted Williams could hit.

The people who can save this party are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or John Kasich.

I used to have nightmares that they would put 'He played Ted' on my tombstone.

Cricket had John Arlott, Wimbledon had Dan Maskell, we had Ted Lowe. He was great.

The people who know Ted Cruz best despise him, including his former college roommate.

I attended TED in 2007 and 2008, the last two years the conference was held in Monterey.

I was into Ted Nugent, I was a Nugent guy. I was a skateboarder listening to Ted Nugent.

I was listed in 'Time Magazine''s 'Thirty under Thirty' and have given three TED Talks, too.

I think Ted Cruz does a really good job; he's a rabble-rouser and thinks outside of the box.

I read a lot of true crime growing up - 'The Stranger Beside Me' by Ann Rule about Ted Bundy.

Usually, TED only invites the most accomplished and famous people in the world to give talks.

Writing 'Father Ted' with Arthur Mathews was like being hooked up to a drip full of endorphins.

I don't think I've ever been accused of being faddish. I'm more Marks & Spencer than Ted Baker.

I would love to face the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase. He is one of my favorites of all time.

I ran for Congress in 1996 to help Ted Kennedy pass a comprehensive health insurance reform bill.

Ted Williams was the greatest hitter I ever saw, but DiMaggio was the greatest all around player.

'Stone Cold' came in with a monster push as 'The Ringmaster' with Ted DiBiase. That didn't work out.

I loved 1990s television: 'The Fast Show,' 'Father Ted,' 'Harry Enfield.' 'Clive Anderson Talks Back.'

Ted Cruz caught the momentum in Wisconsin that I think that Donald Trump thought was his and his alone.

Ted needs someone to be there 100% of the time. He thinks that's love. It's not love - it's babysitting.

Ted Cruz is the Schroedinger's cat of politicians. He is both eligible and not eligible to be president.

Ted Kennedy is the only person alive who might know more than we do about Chappaquiddick, and he may not.

In those stupid online polls to find the best sitcom ever, 'Father Ted' never gets the credit it deserves.

My grandfather was the general counsel for the Washington Senators, and my dad grew up on Ted Williams' lap.

When I think about athletes, probably my favorite guest of all time among baseball players was Ted Williams.

I have a fantasy where Ted Turner is elected President but refuses because he doesn't want to give up power.

I've been a Keanu Reeves fan for a very long time, since 'Bill and Ted' and 'Point Break' and stuff like that.

We figure we'd like to be known as The Blanks eventually, but for most people it is 'Ted's Band from 'Scrubs.''

I feel that shows like 'Ted' and 'The IT Crowd' are very much more enjoyable watching with friends around a telly.

Some great players, like Ted Williams and Stan Musial, had one more great hitting season left around the age of 40.

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