I hit rock bottom, but thank God my bottom wasn't death.

Thank God she wasn’t still hanging out in her underpants.

I thank God I didn't become successful until I was older.

I don't have kids at all and I thank God that I never did.

Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.

We're thanking God. Without him, we wouldn't have made it.

When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day.

I can sum it up like this: Thank God for the game of golf.

The folks in Mississippi are saying, 'Thank God for Texas.'

I'm a lucky person. Thank God. And I'm conflicted. Thank God.

God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.

I haven't had that many weird encounters with fans, thank God.

Thank God you've got a sense of humor, or you'd be in trouble.

Thank God we can't tell the future. We'd never get out of bed.

If you suffer, thank God! It is a sure sign that you are alive.

I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.

I was brought up to question authority, and thank God for that.

I just want to thank God for everything he has done in my life.

I'm just living daily and I thank God for every day that I have.

I thank God because he has given me work somewhere or the other.

God gives us our relatives, thank God we can choose our friends.

Thank God when he oppresses you, and again when he releases you.

Thank God I have a financial planner who is really conservative.

Thank God I'm a horrible musician. Good singer, horrible musician.

I thank God for all the independent hard rock that I grew up with.

Thank God I didn't have my children until I was a little bit older.

Thank God I had two parents who loved me enough to stay on my case.

I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.

I read one chapter of a book and put it down. Thank God for Kindle.

I was not the best student. Thank God I had a lot of hockey talent.

I pretty much always feel gratitude. I thank God throughout the day.

I feel like I am one of those artists that, thank god, can sing live.

I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.

I'm privileged, and I thank God for the opportunity to play for River.

I thank god that I can say on my death bed that I am a virtuous woman.

Thank God I had all these family values or who knows where I'd be now.

Thank God for some Republican control of one branch of the government.

I thank God that I left office the same way I came in: with integrity.

We're all blessed, and we need to always thank GOD for those blessings.

Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends.

I shall soon be laid in the quiet grave - thank God for the quiet grave

Film is a lark to me - thank God I don't have to make a living from it.

Thank God I got the rejects. These animals are very, very affectionate.

Since all men are created equal, I have to thank God I was born a woman.

I thank God that I have been meeting so many people who want to help me.

If that's the only thing that's stopping war then thank God for the bomb.

I thank God that I had such an amazing father who was my trainer as well.

Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth.

We are very, very far from recognising polygamy in our country, thank God.

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