I thank God I don't have a problem with any person. Nobody wants to have a problem with another person. I don't want it either.

If you visualize a failure, you tend to create the conditions that produce failure. Visualize-believe-and thank God in advance.

When I get out of bed in the morning, I literally say a prayer. The first thing I do is thank God that I got through the night.

If Hillary Clinton had won the election, which, thank God she didn't, but if she had... she would have fired Comey immediately.

I fall back on my faith; whatever happens, whatever goes wrong in your life, Muslims thank God because it could have gone worse.

Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. I thank God for him.

I thank God for his many blessings he has given me, but money and prestige are not what it's about. I seek spiritual progression.

There's so many oldies stations with 'Never Ending Story' and 'Too Shy' on their playlists, thank God. People still love the songs.

You cannot be completely nice. It's impossible. Who is it? Who is the perfect guy? Show him to me! It doesn't exist. And thank god.

I look at what I have as compared to what I don't have. I have this, I have this, I have this. Thank God for it, and let's move on.

Let us thank God for having called us to His holy faith. It is a great gift, and the number of those who thank God for it is small.

I wouldn't have dared ask God for all that He's given me. I couldn't have done it on my own. I thank God every day for what I have.

Man, if it weren't for Bill's Records and Tapes I would've been an accountant like my dad. I love my dad, but thank God for Bill's.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD Difficult moments, SEEK GOD Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD Painful moments, TRUST GOD Every moment, THANK GOD

People everywhere see the True, the Beautiful, and the Good and long to know their source. And, thank God, He has revealed Himself!

Humans love truth and justice, and rejoice in ceremonies that honor those qualities. For that sentiment we should indeed thank God.

I auditioned for 'Westworld' thinking it was gonna be a knock-off spoof. Thank God I didn't know Anthony Hopkins was starring in it.

I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched in so many giddy offences as He hath generally taxed their whole their whole sex withal.

Uh, I do not wear a wig in 'Star Trek' like I did in 'Bottle Shock,' thank God. 'Bottle Shock' will be the last wig movie I ever do.

There were a lot more girls at the shows early on. I'd get off stage and there would be options. Those days are long gone, thank god.

I was so much more insecure at 19. Thank God. It would be really cruel if there were a 19-year-old walking around with my confidence.

Thank God we're living in a country where the sky's the limit, the stores are open late and you can shop in bed thanks to television.

God is in all nature; thank God for the scientists, for they are thinking the thoughts of God after him, whether they know it or not.

I think we have reason to thank God for Abraham Lincoln. With all his deficiencies, it must be admitted that he has grown continually.

Thank God I am not an intellectual! What a garbage of knowledge, what an unnecessary glossary of terms they have, those intellectuals!

All the doors that I had to close. All the things I knew but I didn't know. Thank God for all I missed. 'Cause it led me here to this.

Thank God for FaceTime. I can't imagine wrestlers from the '80s being on the road all the time without cell phones and stuff like that.

I don't need to be 19 years old or starve myself for some weight or turn men's heads down that road. And thank God I finally know that.

Trouble is here. It is for a purpose. Use it for the purpose for which it was intended - to help you grow. Thank God for your troubles.

I say thank God for government waste. If government is doing bad things, it's only the waste that prevents the harm from being greater.

Every morning that I wake up and I'm breathing, I can feel it and take a moment to say, you know, 'Thank God I'm alive for another day.'

Thank God we're safe. What I anticipated on Sept. 11 was that we would be attacked many times between then and now, and we haven't been.

When I wake up, I always thank God. I'm grateful for another day, and he's allowed me this tiny thing that we should be appreciative of.

Thank God I'm in touch with my emotions enough to be able to pick up my children, kiss them all over and say 'I love you' over and over.

If I can play a little part in the world's healing, and making it a better place than when I came, then I just thank God for that chance.

Millions of students now, in all the schools of America, are reading science fiction and especially, thank God, 'The Martian Chronicles.'

Let us also once more rejoice in, and thank God for, the fact that we know nothing about Homer, and practically nothing about Shakespeare.

We may thank God that we can feel pain and know sadness, for these are the human sentiments that constitute our glory as well as our grief.

Thank God, I have the opportunity to do what I love, which is my family and work on a business and try and make it the best that it can be.

In closing, let me just thank God, on the floor of the House, for not turning away from us even though we seem to be turning away from Him.

Thank God I didn't put my career over family. That would have been the biggest mistake of my life. I'm really happy it went the way it did.

I'm always in the car in L.A., so I see the people I work with - and, thank God, I adore the people I work with - but it's a little lonely.

Not for nothing is their motto TGIF - 'Thank God It's Friday.' They live for the weekends, when they can go do what they really want to do.

I know I've accomplished a great deal for a man of my height. It's been a blessing, and I thank God for the talent. I've always given 110%.

If true love were only about feelings, Jesus would have been hugged to death for our redemption. Thank God for His cross this and every day.

There is a lot I need to thank God for, everyday. But I think I am blessed because I have a very loving, understanding and supporting family.

I thank God for having played for four years in the best Barcelona team in history, but playing in the Premier League is also very important.

Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.

Say stop, whenever you want to stop. Understand?" I nodded. "Do you want to stop now?" My head moved back and forth to the pillow. "Thank God.

Taco Bell is going to start selling nachos and chicken nuggets wrapped in a tortilla. In other words, thank God we're going to keep Obamacare.

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