The problem with Yanks is they are wimps.

The problem with the NCAA - it's slow-moving.

The problem with me is that nothing embarrasses me.

The problem with prototypes is they don't always work.

The problem with compassion is that it is not photogenic.

The problem with a man bag is that it's called a man bag.

The problem with self-improvement is knowing when to quit.

The problem with today's world is that hate is normalized.

That's the problem with ADHD: I have no focus; I get bored.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

The problem with smear campaigns is that too often they work.

The problem with being an actress is there's a lot of rejection.

The problem with our role is Americans live in a world of illusion.

The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.

The problem with online shopping is that you cannot feel the fabric.

The problem with losing your anonymity is that you can never go back.

That's the problem with having a bald head. It exaggerates the shape.

The problem with Microsoft is that it's so committee-driven and slow.

The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present.

I think the problem with visual media like TV is that they're reductive.

The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents.

The problem with Instagram is people aren't portraying their real selves.

The problem with a lot of narrative films is that they're not real enough.

The problem with prequels is you're limiting yourself as to where it can go.

The problem with K-12 education is socialism and the solution is capitalism.

The problem with hashtags is if someone starts a new hashtag, people move on.

The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer.

The problem with a group is, the more people you add, the lower the average IQ.

That's the problem with precedents. Even the extreme ones tend to get repeated.

The problem with most people who play the market is that they are not flexible.

The problem with existing biology is you change only one or two genes at a time.

The problem with being an employee or self-employed is you pay the highest taxes.

The problem with living in a fast-food nation is that we expect food to be cheap.

The problem with humans is that they are unable to handle their own intelligence.

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money.

The problem with Egypt is that there is no public trust. There is no trust, period.

The problem with binge-watching on Netflix is that you lose three days of your life.

It's counterproductive. The problem with sentimentality is that it kills the emotion.

The problem with most Hollywood movies is they don't give the director enough control.

The problem with cyber weapons for a country like ours is the ability to control them.

The problem with the economy isn't that people aren't paying their fair share of taxes.

The problem with getting injured when you get older is that it takes longer to recover.

The problem with taking amps to a shop is that they come back sounding like another amp.

The problem with real estate is that it's local. You have to understand the local market.

The problem with technology, as with fashion, is that it's impossible to be 'in' forever.

The problem with hanging on to the '60s is that everyone thought they would go on forever.

The problem with being an actor is that you have to be reactive to what other people want.

The problem with acting is that there's really no control. You're at the behest of others.

The problem with Donald Trump is that he went and designed a brand that is entirely amoral.

That's the problem with the United States. It believes it can control everybody's behavior.

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