Most of the time, people are afraid of silence, and I'm not.

I'm amazed at the amount of time people spend on the Internet.

Most of the time, people think they went to high school with me.

The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.

All the time, people are always saying to me that I need to shoot more.

You just want to prove people wrong and, over time, people start believing in you.

A lot of the time, people think I have a high opinion of myself when I really don't.

If I started smiling all the time, people would say, 'DeMarcus must not care anymore.'

Lots of time people have the assumption that I'm making so much money that I don't care.

Every time people try and define me, it gets battered around. I like to keep people guessing.

I think for such a long time people had this misconception of who I was and what I was about.

Success comes but with time. People want to achieve things very quickly; they are not patient.

Since the beginning of time people have said mean things to each other in a fight, no matter what.

It's a great time to do a show, at Christmas time. People are by and large in a Christmas frame of mind.

The main Facebook usage is so big. About 20 percent of the time people spend on their phone is on Facebook.

For the longest time, people would say to me that I didn't feel very modern, that I seemed from another time.

I meet an enormous number of incredible people all the time, people I find very inspiring, and I'm very busy.

Anytime there's a disruption in the supply chain, any time people cut back on spending, there will be a recession.

I know what people think I am. People think I'm dumb. People think I party all the time. People think I'm ignorant.

With a certain amount of time, people can't be crucified for what they've done wrong. It's what I always tell people.

Any time people are breaking outside the norm and playing something that isn't expected - that feels like punk to me.

I think it is time people realized that people with Down syndrome can be sexy and beautiful and should be celebrated.

A lot of the time, people think I'm really dumb or really uncomfortable talking to them, which is kind of a real thing.

You would not believe how much time people waste in a day. And how little time they put into things they genuinely love.

Over time, people will notice what you are doing. Then you'll be in demand, and when you are in demand, you'll make money.

Every time people struggle, they survive, they do better, and then they forget, and they end up back where they started from.

My father was like the Old Testament. I am the New Testament. I am part of a new generation. In time, people will realize this.

I get recognized for 'The Killing' all the time. People yell out, 'I hope you didn't kill her!' They yell that out in the street.

I think any time people behave in a way that's truly them, then they'll never fail. You get in trouble when you try to copy others.

I was anti social, but at the same time, people gravitated to that because they wanted to figure out who I was and why I was how I was.

By the time people came to realize that free, Web-based email was indeed a hot idea, Hotmail was adding 1 million new subscribers a month.

Most of the time people are aiming so low on television. They're trying to reach that common denominator, especially on network television.

Any time people come together in a meeting, we're not necessarily getting the best ideas; we're just getting the ideas of the best talkers.

Eighty-five per cent of the time, people want to talk about 'True Romance.' That's the film I've made that really seems to have stuck with people.

For years, I've been mistaken for Rhys Ifans. All the time. People come up and say, 'Notting Hill?' I nearly got beaten up once for not being Rhys.

At that time, people wanted to be frightened. The Thing had come out, The Day the Earth Stood Still had come out, and these were all frightening movies.

A lot of time, people enter the most depressing situations, and they are the funniest people on Earth, because they have to be. It's a coping mechanism.

The 1930s was a funny time. People knew they might not live for another six months, so if they were attracted to one another, there was no time to dawdle.

If you have the same guys at the top of the card all the time, people get bored of it. They don't want to see the same guys wrestling over and over again.

I'm fun with people I know. But at the same time, people also say that I am a little cold, rude, and moody. 'Moody' is the word they generally use for me.

All cultures have these feelings about non-functional areas of activity. And the more time people have on their hands, the more they commit it to those areas.

People change teams all the time. People might not go from Green Bay to Chicago or from Chicago to Green Bay all the time, but people change teams all the time.

Our thinking has always been in trying to grab the limited amount of spare time people have and always try to offer some unprecedented attraction to the consumer.

When the market turns down, a lot of people lose jobs... and that's the time people become entrepreneurs. Downturns end up being the best times to start companies.

I'm just me, all the time. People think, 'She must be an innocent little white girl when she's not performing or making videos.' But no, I'm me all year round, 24/7.

Certainly for some time, people used to think of my solo career as somehow a side project to Porcupine Tree. No. If anything, the opposite would now have to be the case.

I don't believe in devils. Indifference and misunderstandings can create evil situations. Most of the time, people who appear to be evil are really victims of evil deeds.

People think of us as an information distributor because that's how they relate to the Internet. But most of the time people already have pretty well established opinions.

In my work, 80 per cent of the time people cheat, they run away with money, they lie but there are good things too. And I choose to write about the good and positive things.

I have done performance-based roles earlier, films which revolved around me. 'Kshatriya' was one such solid role. And, at that time, people had written good things about it.

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