Tina Fey is one of my heroes.

I will work for Tina Fey forever.

My motto is 'In Tina Fey I trust.'

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are so cool together.

Tina Fey is my mentor, whether she likes it or not.

I am constantly amazed by Tina Fey. And I am Tina Fey.

Tina Fey is a very old friend of mine, and I adore her.

Tina Fey is really cool. She's so mellow and laid back.

Tina Fey could run this country before Sarah Palin could!

I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey for years.

Tina Fey is the most caring woman I've worked with in this business.

I remember thinking, 'If I can make Tina Fey laugh, I can die happy.'

Tina Fey is just amazing. And she is just so funny and so good hearted.

I just want Tina Fey to be my best friend. And Lena Dunham. And Oprah, too.

Tina Fey is my hero. Some of the most brilliant people don't come off as brilliant.

I love '30 Rock' because Tina Fey allows me to fly over the cuckoo nest once a week.

I don't think there'd be a Tina Fey now if I hadn't tried to look good in the beginning.

I hired Tina Fey for 'SNL,' which was certainly a good match. She took off right away there.

I love Tina Fey because she acts and she writes and she's hilarious and does a lot of different things.

I really like sardonicism and wit. I love the writing of Joy Williams and Lorrie Moore. I like Tina Fey, Amy Schumer.

I love 'Mean Girls.' I held out on watching it for a long time, but I'm so glad I finally did. Tina Fey is brilliant.

We have so many great memoirs from women in front of the camera, from Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler, and Amy Schumer.

I will very happily grow old in the comedic world of Tina Fey and Robert Carlock, if they would keep having me over and over.

Tina Fey is part of a generation of women who have changed the face of comedy at 'Second City,' 'SNL,' in sitcoms and in film.

I do think there are some great female comics: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph. They're the whole ball of wax.

I love a lot of comedy actors and actresses like Kristen Wiig and Tina Fey and all those women who are really brilliant and funny.

I really looked up to Tina Fey as a writer, and because I did have a background in writing, she is someone whose career I really did admire.

'30 Rock' is my favorite TV show and Tina Fey is one of my heroes. She was a dream to work with and the whole cast was just absolutely lovely.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, they made it cool to be funny and to be embarrassed and to look a thousand different ways and show a bunch of different areas of their lives.

Tina Fey is a genius - I've seen it with my own eyes now. She's a very observant person, and I've never seen somebody write such a high volume or as quickly as she does.

If you want a great replacement, like, who can follow Barack and still have that swag, that charisma, that charm and be historic - I think it would be Tina Fey for president.

I had done some small-sketch stuff in college, and at that time, Tina Fey was becoming a heavy influence on my life and my world. I decided I wanted to do what she was doing.

I have been lucky to be surrounded by other great working moms, like Tina Fey. I've certainly taken a lot of advice from her in every realm, from actor choices to mom choices.

Anyone watching '30 Rock' always knew Tina Fey was playing a fictionalized version of herself, a workaholic comedy writer who also plays one on TV. She's the boss; Liz Lemon just works here.

I think 'Saturday Night Live', starting in the 1970s, really gave women an outlet to be funny. A lot of those women went on to have film careers, from Kristen Wiig now to Tina Fey and Gilda Radner.

When I heard that they were making 'Mean Girls' into a musical, I immediately said, 'That's my part. I want to play Janis so badly.' And I wanted to hang out with Tina Fey! What's cooler than that?

I'd love to hear what confident, intelligent women in the industry have to say: Rachel McAdams, Carey Mulligan, Angelina Jolie, Kristen Wiig and Tina Fey. I would stand in line all day for that panel.

I really like funny women. I'm drawn to women like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and Kristen Wiig, Amy Schumer. They're writers, they're producers, they're actresses. They're brilliant, funny, excellent women.

I had not met Tina Fey before I auditioned for '30 Rock'. Some people think we're old friends from 'Second City' days. I had always been a fan of Tina's. But I actually never planned on being in a sitcom.

Tina Fey and I have 15 things in development: 'Laverne and Shirley', 'Starsky and Hutch 3', 'Cagney and Lacey', 'Wonder Twins Activate From Two Hot Broads', 'Little House on the Prairie: The Musical: The Movie'.

I'm more influenced by characters than standups. I love strong, comic women because it's so hard, and I have so much respect for anyone who can do it. I'm a big fan of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and people like that.

Normally, it's one or the other - a pretty, straight woman or a more charactery woman who isn't supposed to be attractive. But women like Tina Fey are leading the charge on being both. You can be funny and attractive.

Anybody can reach anywhere from five to 15 million people weekly making a president look like an idiot, as I did back then, or Tina Fey did with Sarah Palin... You're always preaching to the choir one way or the other.

So many people: Lucille Ball is the earliest incarnation of a woman I thought was funny, Joan Rivers, Roseanne, Carol Burnett, Gilda Radnor, down to current times, where you have Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Kristen Wiig.

I started writing when I was trying to be an actor, and I happened to be friends with Tina Fey, who happened to have her show '30 Rock' coming out. So Tina, who happens to be a mentor to me, gave me my slot and hired me.

I really want to be the black Tina Fey, where I just am able to produce my own content and produce other content for other minority filmmakers and put their voices on screen and basically be able to have free range to produce.

Tina Fey writes crazy, off-color, racist, hilarious stuff for '30 Rock,' but it's always funny because you're in this almost two-dimensional world where there's Jenna Maroney and these over-the-top characters. That's the framework.

Tina Fey, a performer and head writer for 'Saturday Night Live,' has deftly adapted Rosalind Wiseman's nonfiction dissection of teenage girl societal interaction, 'Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends and Other Realities of Adolescence.'

For Lennon and me, we grew up with Laverne and Shirley or Lucy and Ethel. For us, those are our inspirations. And I think Amy Poehler and Tina Fey led the way for us to be fearless in the way we kept shoving our message and our comedy voice down people's throats until they listened.

I think women have always been funny. But when Tina Fey became head writer at 'Saturday Night Live,' the culture shifted, and women gained a bigger voice in comedy. It's not as if Hollywood producers are feminists. It's more that Hollywood said, ''Bridesmaids' made us so much money, all we want now is funny women.'

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