I write my own tweets.

I draft tweets, like, 20 times.

The amateur tweets. The pro works.

I get paid to put tweets out sometimes.

I normally try to ignore presidential tweets.

I used to cuss in my tweets, and now I don't.

Corporate tweets are like one robot talking to another.

The only tweets I feel bad about are the fat-chick ones.

Judge my columns, enjoy my tweets. That's my philosophy.

Anytime people read my tweets, they hear it in Auto-Tune.

I'm not a native English speaker but do post tweets in English.

Every day, I get five pieces of hate mail: Tweets or hate emails.

On the Twitter media team, we believe that tweets drive TV tune-in.

I love Stephen Fry. His tweets are witty, poignant, and intelligent.

I wouldn't want to tweet to anyone who would be interested in my tweets.

Actions speak a whole lot louder than President Trump's words and tweets.

I love talking to the people. You've seen how many tweets I do. I love the people.

There's been thousands of very, very funny and also very, very nasty tweets about me.

I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.'

I stand behind all my tweets. If I tweeted it and I said it, I am not apologizing for it.

You have to have confidence in where you're going. Don't live and die by the fans' tweets.

The listening community has the obligation of distinguishing informed opinion from tweets.

I've quite often written tweets that I think are across that line, but I just delete them.

I actually get very little phone calls. I get way more tweets and texts. My phone rarely rings.

I always say in my tweets, don't do something for credit. Do it because it's the right thing to do.

My own personal tweets are very limited. I think I have, like, 68 followers on my personal Twitter.

I remember when I was at Radio 1 I would get these Tweets saying 'Shut up! You're so old!' I was 36!

Even my trolls have started taking the trouble to spell their Tweets correctly, which is thoughtful.

I go through my tweets while writing and be like, 'Oh, this has staying power and is still relevant.'

A man might actually brush off vulgar tweets that come to him. Women are likely to be affected by it.

Like any woman in the public eye, I get a considerable number of sexist/misogynistic tweets from people.

I always ignore the disgusting troll tweets I get because I honestly do not want to give them any attention.

I think it's always worth remembering that people sending off mean tweets are probably pretty lonely people.

I've had my fair share of tweets, DMs, emails, Facebook Messages and friends trying to set me up with friends.

I've always wanted to connect with my viewers but there's only so much you can do through commenting and tweets.

The tweets that I send out are not written by somebody else. They're not vetted through my communications staff.

I can put tweets on a map to show who is saying what where, which could be used for marketing or social research.

We do get a lot of sexist tweets and comments, things about a woman's place being in the kitchen, not on the pitch.

Mr. Trump speaks for Mr. Trump, and his tweets speak for themselves. And he's very clear about what those tweets say.

My favorite topical tweets are the ones that put a tweet in context so it illuminates a deeper truth or societal trend.

I had to turn off my Twitter notifications for a while as I got a small minority of people sending me some abusive tweets.

The future is in photos for social media. More and more people are not reading, so I try to attach a photo to most Tweets.

If you follow my tweets, you know, my attention and anxiety have been increasingly focused on the plight of our democracy.

Donald Trump's tweets attract ridicule from some. But clearly they communicate effectively with his millions of supporters.

I always separate myself from reviews, but tweets and Instagram comments, they go directly to my phone. It's hard to keep up.

Make tweets effortless to enjoy, make it easier for all to participate, and make each of us on Twitter feel heard and valuable.

The Tweets that I have written that are most popular are the ones that are the kind of universal girly concerns and observations.

I'm still kinda old-school. We're twittering, and we're all twitterers. And we write tweets. The only thing I don't love is twits.

Our nation marches closer to Trumpism each day, a path paved with reckless Tweets and the normalization of the ugly and the absurd.

Some kid gets his first iPhone, signs up to Twitter, and then tweets, 'Nikki Sixx sucks.' And I'm supposed to take that personally.

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