I work on weekends, but from home.

My weekends are extremely precious.

New Orleans people love their weekends.

I am an avid runner, mainly on weekends.

I literally work every day and weekends.

Always strive to excel, but only on weekends.

I want my weekends back so I can be with my kids.

I love being surrounded by my family at weekends.

I hate weekends because there is no stock market.

On the weekends, some people garden; I slice salmon.

I don't read work emails after 7 P.M. or on weekends.

I try to spend most weekends in the Cotswolds, having fun.

You can literally tour all around Australia in two weekends.

I will drink alcohol socially. That's really on the weekends.

I don't do evening business dinners, and I don't do weekends.

I will allow myself to sleep in until 9 A.M. on the weekends.

The thought of the weekends I used to have now makes me shake.

Weekends are a real luxury for me because I'm usually working.

I try to have lunch or dinner with my parents on the weekends.

By day, I'm a venture capitalist. On weekends, I love rockets.

There is a dark side to Allan Guthrie, but only at the weekends.

I always dress scruffily, but at weekends I live in muddy Wellies.

My parents were divorced and I would spend weekends with my father.

I need eight hours of sleep, but I never get it except at weekends.

Some of my most special shooting experiences have been at weekends.

Joan organizes our social life, and on weekends I follow her around.

Growing up, I'd always visit boutiques with my father on the weekends.

I'm not one of those people who escapes to the countryside at weekends.

I still work weekends because I like it; I enjoy it. I just don't care.

If you want to spend weekends with your family, something's got to give.

I can't travel every weekend. I like to spend some weekends at my studio.

I really love being in London at weekends - there's always so much to do.

Unless it's an emergency, don't bother me after 6:00 p.m. and on weekends.

I was studying acting, going to UCLA, selling real estate on the weekends.

Paul Ryan wants his weekends free? Fine - let's give him all 365 days free.

Even up here on Vancouver on the weekends, I go work out in a studio space.

People don't assume John Wayne shoots people and rides a horse on weekends.

On weekends we try and stay around the house, have a BBQ, have friends over.

All the time I was in college, I was going to wrestling school on the weekends.

Your body is not going to change if you keep having the weekends off your diet.

I still run every other day. Longer at weekends. I probably do 35 miles a week.

On a school day, I practice for two hours and more than half a day on weekends.

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.

On weekends, I'm chasing my six-year-old girls around the city. That's my cardio!

I only work on my books at nights and at weekends. It is really just like a hobby.

I like my buddies to come out to shows on weekends, but they hardly ever get to any.

At weekends, I've been going on long but steady-paced four-and-a-half-hour bike rides.

In the wrestling industry and the entertainment industry, weekends you never have off.

I wish I could say I write 9-5. It's usually more like 8-6, every day but the weekends.

In my heart and soul, I am a West Country man, and ideally, my weekends are spent there.

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