Christian' makes a poor adjective

Eschew all those beastly adjectives.

Adjectives are the curse of America.

Romanticism is the abuse of adjectives

Adjectives are the potbelly of poetry.

Good is a noun rather than an adjective.

I've got an adjective that just fits you.

My goal in life is to become an adjective.

Cliches and adjectives permeated my prose.

Christian is a great noun and a poor adjective

As to the adjective: when in doubt, strike it out.

Look for verbs of muscle, adjectives of exactitude.

His voice was low, charged with unspeakable adjectives.

The adjective is the banana peel of the parts of speech.

I'm proud of the two adjectives, superficial and frivolous.

Adjectives are the sugar of literature and adverbs the salt.

First, cut out all the wisdom, then cut out all the adjectives.

To use the term blind faith, is to use an adjective needlessly.

Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts.

Over-certified adjectives are the mark of most best-seller writing

The day you stop being compassionate, your adjective of human drops!

'Tough' is one of the last adjectives I would use to describe myself.

Anything popular is populist, and populist is rarely a good adjective.

There's always an adjective before my name, and it's never a nice one.

Advertising has annihilated the power of the most powerful adjectives.

Use no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.

diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives, not noun substantives.

Human, Allen, is an adjective, and its use as a noun is in itself regrettable.

Once she read a book but found it distasteful because it contained adjectives.

I do so like all-encompassing words. Verb, adjective, noun. Yes, you are shitted.

I think 'ambitious' is one of those adjectives used for women in a derogatory way.

The Oscars have become such a big deal these days that it's just used as adjective.

But the adjectives change,” said Jimmy. “Nothing’s worse than last year’s adjectives.

Destroy the Museums. Crack syntax. Sabotage the adjective. Leave nothing but the verb.

The only sort of descriptive adjective or catch phrase for my music would be 'eclectic.'

Green is a process, not a status. We need to think of 'green' as a verb, not an adjective.

I've really tried to strip my writing of as many adjectives and adverbs as I possibly can.

When you catch an adjective, kill it - perhaps the best possible advice for budding writers.

The adjective hasn't been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.

A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.

The adjective is the enemy of the noun. Variant: The adjective is the enemy of the substantive.

The adjective 'decent' and the noun 'government' have seldom come together in the human history!

You could use many adjectives to describe Silicon Valley; I don't think 'normal' is one of them.

Whoever has power takes over the noun - and the norm - while the less powerful get an adjective.

A relativist is an individual who doesn't know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.

Cuisine has become too complicated - this is about subject, verb, adjective: duck, turnips, sauce.

If you need three adjectives to describe something, then you've probably chosen the wrong something.

I haven't changed much, over the years. I use less adjectives, now, and have a kinder heart, perhaps.

I know I look good. The regular adjectives that come my way - sexy, hot, dusky, bong bombshell... I love them.

Normal" isn't an adjective you wish to hear after putting that much effort into making sure it was spectacular.

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