I would've loved Jack Kennedy. I would've loved to have campaigned for him and supported him. I wish there were more like him today.

Can someone explain the vitriol whenever Ayn Rand comes up? 'Atlas' is the greatest motivator for the individual that I can imagine.

Apparently Sodapop Curtis said "gnarly," and Chris Traeger said "literally." Every decade I have a favorite phrase I can't stop with.

Ginnifer Goodwin said it very well - we're not doing the Hall Of Presidents at Disneyland. This is my interpretation of [J.F] Kennedy.

Belonging to one party is acceptable. But my days of just ticking the party box are long over. I judge the candidates for who they are.

I'm not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I'm not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.

William Devane was amazing [ in The Grinder] - that we were able to reinvent an acting legend as a comedy star - that's very gratifying.

My greatest regret at the passing of America-hating strongman Hugo Chavez is that he didn't live long enough to party with Dennis Rodman.

Last night, we were all watching Harry Potter in bed, and I thought, 'This isn't something you have when you're single, that's for sure.'

I have other obligations now - the show, my family, my life... though I know that without my sobriety I wouldn't have any of those things.

I wish I was a more religious person. I really admire Martin Sheen for his Catholicism. It's such a bedrock. I wish I had that in my life.

I made a conscious effort to focus on television so I could stay in Los Angeles, so I wasn't on a location all over the world doing movies.

[ Hosting Saturday Night Live ] paved the way for Parks And Rec and The Grinder, the Comedy Central Roast, and that whole side of my career.

Allison Janney is the best actor on the series.Allison is one of the few actors I ever worked with who is incapable of hitting a false note.

If people are watching me 365 days a year, 360 days they might be bored to tears. And on the other five days, maybe I would qualify as Satan.

I had long ago become a creation, a public image made to be consumed, piled on top of a precarious shell of a little boy wanting to be loved.

The press concentrates on a divorce an actor's going through and they ignore the good performances he gives, or the causes that he works for.

The media have such a strong hand in deciding what people's perceptions are. They decide what the agenda is going to be, what the issues are.

I'm a true centrist: my beliefs put me in the middle... You know what happens to people who drive in the middle of the road? They get run over.

Show me someone who doesn't have some sort of experience that they would be uncomfortable for people to know about and I'll show you a dullard.

I've said before that the common perception that all good actors should be good liars is exactly the opposite; only bad actors lie when they act.

I had to learn American sign language. And I did stuff in it, stuff that was just for me and was fun, that I don't think anyone would ever notice.

By making more people aware of lymphoma, Worldwide Lymphoma Awareness Day hopes to save lives by increasing early diagnosis and suitable treatment.

Medical-genre shows have been around forever, they will be around forever, and I think this [Code Black] is a great iteration of the next generation.

I had met my now wife, Sheryl, and was attempting my first try at monogamy, which was not really in my nature at the time, and I wasn't able to do it.

I've never met a funny person who wasn't smart. I've met a lot of dramatic people who were stupid. But I've never met a funny person who wasn't smart.

[Tony Richardson ] just liked me, knew I was going to be what he wanted [in The Hotel New Hampshire], and that was the end of it. It was unbelievable.

You would not believe the amount of feedback I've gotten over people binge-watching The West Wing. Most of them have binge-watched it countless times.

To go from playing Jack Startz in 'Behind the Candelabra' to playing JFK in the same year, I have now operated at the far ends of my range as an actor.

[Hank in the Sex Tape] such a fun part. That's how Jake Kasdan and I ended up doing The Grinder together, because we had such a great time on Sex Tape.

When I had my Comedy Central roast, David [Spade] was my first choice to be roastmaster, because I adore him. He's funny as hell, and nobody is meaner.

[Doctor Cukrowicz in Suddenly, Last Summer is] is one of the most unpronounceable roles in the modern-day theater day canon, and one of the most boring!

The really good thing about my career is that I never went through a phase where I played characters who had names like "Partygoer," "Waiter," or "Guy #1."

The '90s were a time of building for me. Building a life that was sober, drained of harmful, wasteful excess and manufacturing in its place a family of my own.

I have been looking forward to this age of my life for a long time. In my twenties, I marked the days on the calendar - I was sick of playing high-school kids.

That chemistry that we had [with Fred Savage] is very, very hard to find. We were lucky to have those 22 episodes [of The Grinder]. I'm unendingly proud of it.

Read between the lines, folks, 'cause I'm here to tell you you're not getting the straight story. Ever. You're getting variations of the truth, if you're lucky.

[The Specials ]was always going to be an underground, underdog kind of movie. But I love when people bring that up, because it's very early, vintage James Gunn.

[The Outsiders] was very competitive, in the best possible way. Full of love, full of companionship and fellowship, pranks and practical jokes and ball-busting.

Some of the '80s movies I did are sort of museum pieces. St. Elmo's Fire is great as a sort of kitschy, "Oh, my god, I can't believe we wore that" type of movie.

If somebody else is achieving more than I am, that means I can do it, too. Everybody has the ability to raise themselves up, and my life has been marked by that.

I had no regrets when I did it, I have even less regret now because I can't imagine staying on the West Wing show and then, six weeks later, Aaron Sorkin leaving.

The minute you start making calculations about what people will think of you as a person based on your work as an actor, you're on the road to becoming a bad one.

My thing is personal freedoms: freedoms for the individual to love whom they want, do with what they want. In fact, I want the government out of almost everything.

Conventions are, by nature, a party. I mean, that's why people become delegates. They come from all over the world to exercise their democratic rights and to party.

I like the tradition of ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances and how they react to events which force them to be heroic in a way that is not in their natures.

If people find me attractive, it would be for reasons that anybody finds anybody attractive. It's something that comes from within, and it manifests itself physically.

The fact is, I have a great home and I like to have people come up. I meet enough people just doing my grocery shopping; I don't need to go out and meet any more people.

Trying to execute that kind of intricate staging in the West Wing at the same time you're doing intricate dialogue - it's like patting your head and rubbing your stomach!

[Code Black] doesn't look like any other CBS show... and I don't mean that as any sort of judgment. It's just unbelievably unique, it's gorgeous, and it looks like a film.

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