So I came to the realization: Nothing in life is unfair. It's just life.

It took being famous to make me cool, which, by the way, I never forgot.

You show me someone who's led a perfect life and I'll show you a dullard.

Let me just say this - sometimes being a trailblazer is highly overrated.

Fake confidence on the outside often trumps truthful turmoil on the inside.

I liked being a teenager, but I would not go back for all the tea in China.

I'll be a role model on my terms, but don't make a role model on your terms.

The president of the United States can't even fire his chef. I'm not kidding.

I don't think the Internet should be immune to the standing laws of countries.

I didn't go to Ivy League schools. I dropped out of college to go into movies.

I've gotten to believe it's more fun to play politicians than actually be them.

When I'm angry I'm an incredibly tough person, because I don't get angry easily.

I enjoy experiencing life. Being a celebrity can really stand in the way of that.

There is good and evil in each of us, and you can easily be led to the dark side.

To achieve longevity you will have cycles. No one gets there in one straight shot.

When people consent to do something, they should be able to do whatever they want.

[Allison Janney] could memorize anything.She would memorize in the makeup trailer!

Getting married isn't going to make your relationship better. It's just a ceremony.

Somewhere in my callow, misspent youth, I was smart enough to marry my best friend.

Anyone who's lived their life to the fullest extent has a scandal buried somewhere.

Chris [Farley] - I would consider him a comic animal. With the emphasis on "animal."

If you're telling a story, and somebody is going to come out badly, it better be you.

My life and the lives of many across the world have been deeply affected by lymphoma.

I don't flip. I don't even dive into a pool - straight cannonball for me. No, thanks.

I happen to be a movie star, but I'm not saying, "Hey, I'm a role model. Imitate me."

Intelligence is that aspect of human cognition that we haven't managed to emulate yet.

People have a responsibility, especially with today's media, to read between the lines.

Any time an opportunity scares you that much, you should seriously consider saying yes.

When I was a teen idol, I was so goddamn pretty I wouldn't have taken myself seriously.

I am the guy dressing up in, you know, the caveman outfit for the kids birthday parties.

I always wanted that house where everybody wants to go, full of energy, dogs, music, fun.

I am the guy dressing up in, you know, the caveman outfit for the kids' birthday parties.

You show me a perfect person and I'll show you somebody who has lived a very closed life.

I have, on the other hand, felt ill will from various people in the industry and the press.

Sampling, statisticians have told us, is a much more effective way of getting a good census.

I've been around for so long, people have their perceptions of me: good, bad or indifferent.

I loved fun. I spent my whole life in search of fun. I have not given up that part of myself.

The first private space of my own wasn't a dorm room; it was a hotel room in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Random Roles? Oh, I saw Virginia Madsen do this the other day! You see? I'm paying attention!

I don't like being taken for granted anywhere in life. I don't want my vote taken for granted.

As far as my work for causes or social issues, that's something I'm doing as a private citizen.

Cannes is a little bit like French wine. There are certain years that people prefer over others.

I don't like any sport where you're already exhausted when you're done putting on the equipment.

It's easy to live in a fantasy world, and that's why I refuse to live in an isolated environment.

Can we understand - just for the record, we do need the government for a lot of big ticket items.

When I was filming 'The Outsiders,' my idea of success was getting the next Martin Scorsese movie.

What people do in their private lives is their business, and shouldn't be anybody else's business.

Eleven days before 9/11, I was on a plane with the 9/11 hijackers who were carrying out a dry run.

If I had been on 'Ally McBeal,' I would have been seen coming out of the shower on the first show.

I think my thing is that I try and pick up on things that other people have maybe not picked up on.

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