Comedians shame people.

You can't win with sin.

Young. Old. Just Words.

Hooray for most things!

All geniuses die young.

Hello, I must be going.

He thinks I look alike!

Take my wife... Please!

I'm not a nasty person.

A sure thing is no fun.

Slumps don't bother me.

Babies got it going on!

Be kind. It feels good.

If elected, I will win.

I love Batman to death.

Everyone speaks stupid.

I can't get no respect.

Gayness is a non-issue.

I drink therefore I am.

Do unto others, then run

Zip zop wop boopity bop.

I used to hunt and fish.

I was a terrible waiter.

I try not to be hateful.

I'll be a host for life!

I'd make a bad preacher.

To me, comedy is a game.

It's cool to be healthy.

The devil made me do it.

We are all precancerous.

Always examine the dice.

Gags die, humor doesn't.

I'm a real pawn-shopper.

I get bored really fast.

I'm a mischievous drunk.

I don't like rehearsing.

When in doubt, zoom out.

Cats are a waste of fur.

I am one of the haunted.

Does fuzzy logic tickle?

I washed mud off of mud.

Fatherhood is wonderful.

I like children - fried.

I was a horrible student.

I'm fascinated by comedy.

I'm obsessed with coffee.

Do unto others, then run.

Thank God for Darwin, eh?

I'm a big animal fanatic.

Greed can overtake smart.

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