It's really important to always have a positive mind-set, no matter what people have been through.

And one of the most important values of Barack Obama is that he will always level with the American people.

It's so important to take vitamins. People always get ill on tour because of the close proximity in the bus with everyone.

I've always believed very, very strongly that the way you treat people is more important than anything, professionally or otherwise.

It's always very important that you can completely disagree with someone, but it doesn't fundamentally mean that they are bad people.

Of course the people in the Bullet Club will have similarities and always will, but finding what I can do as Adam Cole to be different is important.

I think the most important thing is not trying to fake anything, 'cause I think people can see right through that - they can always see through a facade.

I think it's important for people to always understand what is the context is in what is being said, because that obviously determines what folks are talking about.

I know a lot of actors talk about the importance of wardrobe, and it always seems like it's kind of a cop-out, maybe, because it seems like a minor detail to some people. But I think it's hugely important.

It's drama, it's a lot of things, but you know it's always about every movie or every TV project ever made is meant to be watched. If people like it and support it, that's what it is all about, really it's sort of the important part about it.

I think my faith as a Muslim is very important. One of the core values is that you are always trying to build consensus. So when it comes to figuring out if something is permissible or not in Islam, it's usually a discussion, and people have to come to a consensus in order for something to be approved.

Now, everybody always says there's no 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in win, because the individuals make the team what it is, and how they think and what they do is important to the team. So when you act like the individual is not important, well, it is damn important who these people are and what they are.

I always talk to all the crew. I always make it pleasant. I always nurture a relationship that makes people feel like they're important, like they're a part of the collaboration. I feel that way about the young actors on set. I don't talk to them like I'm the mentor; I talk to them like they're my peers. And I learned that from Meryl Streep.

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