Protesting is fundamentally submissive.

Social Security is fundamentally strong.

Fundamentally, I like to accomplish things.

I think that books are fundamentally educational.

Fundamentally speaking, bodies age; feelings don't.

The nuclear deal with Iran is fundamentally flawed.

I fundamentally believe in freedom and human rights.

Violence against women is fundamentally about power.

My stories are fundamentally about the love of family.

I grew up believing that I was fundamentally powerless.

Eviction is fundamentally changing the face of poverty.

I think I fundamentally understand the way Trump thinks.

I think that every sexual position is fundamentally comic.

Fundamentally, we have to recognize that Iran is not a partner.

Fundamentally, I think of myself as a storyteller, not a writer.

Fundamentally, our job as songwriters is to sit down and listen.

I think, fundamentally, the core of everything I do is punk rock.

He has the finest, fundamentally sound golf swing I've ever seen.

The essence of Africa's crisis is fundamentally its extreme poverty.

I am not fundamentally a musician, I am fundamentally a human being.

I don't think that Washington is a fundamentally bad or corrupt place.

Life fundamentally does not change depending on work or fame or success.

I learned how to be a smart, tough, fundamentally sound football player.

We are fundamentally politically agnostic and an apolitical organization.

I think I was a pretty anxious dreamer, maybe a fundamentally lonely kid.

Capitalism is, fundamentally, an economic system that promotes inequality.

While many comics have a secret persona, I fundamentally want to be myself.

Fundamentally there is a narrative around where innovation can come out from.

We don't need to fundamentally transform America. We need to restore America.

After Vietnam, the Democrats became fundamentally the anti-military as a party.

I have a mantra that people are naturally, fundamentally and inherently mobile.

The individualization of learning fundamentally redefines the role of assessment.

From Xbox in the previous generation to Xbox One, it's fundamentally transformed.

The G7, just a European centric show, an Atlantic show, is fundamentally finished.

Any art worth its name requires you to be fundamentally lost for a very long time.

Fair votes - fundamentally - are about the rights and the interests of the people.

As technology progresses, I believe that fintech will fundamentally change finance.

I fundamentally believe in term limits, for Congress, presidents, and board members.

Washington is an incumbent protection machine. Technology is fundamentally disruptive.

The idea that commodities, as an asset class, is finished is just fundamentally flawed.

If anyone can make anything, anywhere. It fundamentally changes the meaning of business.

Of course, fatherhood fundamentally changes a lot of your life, but it enriches you, too.

I've never looked at my Facebook page or my website, because I'm fundamentally an amateur.

If you look at 'Network' or any kind of satire, it's fundamentally unemotional in some ways.

We have to be bold, tough, and fundamentally change government because Springfield is broken.

Thinking about the future is fundamentally important to dealing with the challenges of today.

If you think meet-and-greets are fundamentally stupid, then you're never not gonna think that.

Every art expression is rooted fundamentally in the personality and temperament of the artist.

The Green New Deal fundamentally destroys our economy and does a lot of other weird stuff, too.

Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.

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