If you go in the ring and box and you're angry, you're gonna lose the match.

When thou art above measure angry, bethink thee how momentary is man's life.

He that would be angry and sin not, must not be angry with anything but sin.

I was very disturbed to find that a few people were angry at my weight loss.

There never was a social change in America without angry people at the heart.

I had been very angry, angry enough to lose control; none of us are above it.

I'm not angry. And I don't like the thing of the 'angry black woman,' either.

Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.

When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred.

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

You are not angry with people when you laugh at them. Humor teaches tolerance.

As an adolescent, I was bitter and angry, and I definitely put up these walls.

If you have a screaming angry director, everyone else will be panicked as well.

I am tired of angry feminists. I like my women happy, gregarious... and bathed.

Everybody kind of perceives me as being angry. It's not anger, it's motivation.

Technology is a tool that has allowed us to swipe around like an angry toddler.

Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.

I get angry when I think that people are blatantly incorrect on matters of fact.

It's better to be angry without paying for gold than to be angry after you paid.

The world's an angry place these days. Let's just not take it out on each other.

There's so much Botox around now that you can't tell when a Jewish girl is angry!

When you do something because you're angry, you almost always do the wrong thing.

People think I'm this angry black man walking around in a constant state of rage.

I really am disappointed when I run into people who are angry I'm leaving office.

Our first short was 'Angry Boy,' which was produced through the Fox Movie Channel.

I just often find myself getting shrill, angry and the jokes get more incredulous.

Let go of offence. Let go of fear. Let go of revenge. Don't live angry, let go now!

I'm not Metallica, you can tell that I'm really not that angry in most of my songs.

I try to save being angry for the really important moments - for special occasions.

Christians get very angry toward other Christians who sin differently than they do.

I just felt like I was making people angry because I wouldn't wear the frilly bows.

I can turn around and scream and get angry, but I turn around and I forget about it.

And I thank God I believe in God, or I would probably be enormously angry right now.

If you want to be angry at Gore, be angry at him for not fighting harder in Florida.

I'm a very hard-line, angry atheist. Yet I am fascinated by the concept of devotion.

I don't think the American people, if you look historically, elect angry candidates.

I was angry and frustrated when I was younger and didn't know my place in the world.

If I could believe that God was not angry with me, I would stand on my head for joy.

There's a fine line between angry and grumpy. Angry isn't nice, but grumpy is funny.

Americans are slow to anger, but once they do get angry, they are impossible to stop.

Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help.

Whatever is making you so angry, it's time for you to give it to God and get over it.

I am known to be able to take care of myself when I become angry. I don't mince words.

I get angry very fast, and it's intense. I start breathing heavily, and don't like it.

I wrote as a very angry young man, believing he was going to be killed in a world war.

Anger is wonderful. It keeps you going. I'm angry about bankers. About the government.

How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.

Being angry and resentful of someone is like letting them live rent-free in your head.

There is nothing that so much gratifies an ill tongue as when it finds an angry heart.

Personally, I can't see how anyone can produce any beautiful music out of being angry.

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