When a man assumes leadership, he forfeits the right to mercy.

Iraq assumes responsibility for its own future... They have got to step up.

Most car advertising assumes that people have IQs that are missing a digit.

Rotten bosses don't get better. Any strategy that assumes they can is doomed.

When a man assumes a public trust he should consider himself a public property.

A lot of television assumes the viewer is a bit daft, and I don't think they are.

Education is a kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes different points of view.

When a person assumes he has made a mistake, it's for all of us to accept a mistake was made.

I love stories and acting is a way to tell stories. Everyone assumes I've done it my whole life.

If a woman writes about a domestic situation, everyone automatically assumes that it's about her.

Negotiation in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree.

Negotiating in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree.

A benevolent mind, and the face assumes the patterns of benevolence. An evil mind, then an evil face.

I'd rather invest in an entrepreneur who has failed before than one who assumes success from day one.

Drama assumes an order. If only so that it might have - by disrupting that order - a way of surprising.

A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten', he does not say 'My men were beaten.'

We tend to talk about death as if it is losing a battle, but that assumes living is winning and dying is not.

An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.

As set forth by theologians, the idea of 'God' is an argument that assumes its own conclusions, and proves nothing.

Everybody assumes I know everything, so they send me these notes sometimes, and I don't know what they're talking about.

The work of art assumes the existence of the perfect spectator, and is indifferent to the fact that no such person exists.

Any fiction writer who assumes that a character is typical no doubt runs the risk of stumbling into cliche and stereotype.

The average person in Hollywood just assumes that if you're on a hit TV show, then that's the first thing you've ever done.

The very essence of rationalism is that it assumes that the reason is the highest faculty in man and the lord of all the rest.

Everyone assumes I practise all of my own laws but I don't. I think anybody who did would be a horrible ugly person to be around.

Once imbued with the idea of a mission, a great nation easily assumes that it has the means as well as the duty to do God's work.

Every writer hopes or boldly assumes that his life is in some sense exemplary, that the particular will turn out to be universal.

A conservative vision to tech issues assumes the imperfection of mankind and a preference for markets - not politics - to drive outcomes.

I think your average fan probably just assumes that the same person directs every episode of their favorite series, week in and week out.

Before the war is ended, the war party assumes the divine right to denounce and silence all opposition to war as unpatriotic and cowardly.

The Bible nowhere enters into an argument to prove the person and being of God. It assumes His being and reveals His person and character.

Our concept of One Boeing assumes an integrated business mix of deep commercial and military expertise applied across the global marketplace.

Look at something like boxing. People know that some fights are fixed, but nobody looks at a boxing match and automatically assumes it's fake.

Everything one reads is nourishment of some sort - good food or junk food - and one assumes it all goes in and has its way with your brain cells.

Success is a scary concept because it assumes something kind of final. In the grand scheme of life, I don't think there is some ultimate success.

I still feel threatened by academics, but my books have a lot of academic in-jokes and everybody assumes I went to university and studied English.

A bad guy always assumes he's going to win, whereas the good guy has to struggle with, what if I lose?, and the audience wants to struggle with him.

Because I am Olympic champion, everyone assumes I am this perfect athlete who should never lose. Every time I step in the ring, I am expected to win.

Since we have literally targeted our enemies, the Pentagon assumes that, sooner or later, rogues will take out our cities, presumably from spaceships.

I think it's a mistake to try and overthink how you are going to be received, because that assumes that you are going to be received in the first place.

This assumes an upward revision of the European Budget, which is precisely what Jacques Chirac refuses to do. On the contrary, he has demanded a reduction.

When authors who write literary fiction begin to write screenplays, everybody assumes that's the end. Here's another who's never going to write well again.

Whatever be the qualities of the man with whom a woman is united according to the law, such qualities even she assumes, like a river, united with the ocean.

Anyone who assumes that this country is standing still is not a good American, or rather, he is an apathetic and dead one and makes no contribution to the society.

I think everyone assumes that I talk to my parents a lot about writing, but I didn't - they're my parents. We didn't have constant workshops running in my household.

The average person assumes that you're a drag queen so you're a nelly and you want to be a girl, which is not the case, and I think Drag Race has changed that for us.

There's an inclination to get on the inside of Jesus' psyche, and I think that's a deep mistake because it assumes that what you have here is someone analogous to us.

The dull routine of our daily job takes on a new significance, assumes a beauty and importance undreamt of before, if we consider it from the angle of service to God.

This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room.

I wasn't picked for any of the sports teams at school because I was half the size of everyone else, but now everyone assumes I must have been some sort of rugby player.

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