I'm not quite sure how I would do babysitting.

Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues.

My sister was always very motherly, babysitting and stuff.

I spent my summers in Connecticut scooping ice cream and babysitting.

All of my friends were doing babysitting jobs. I wanted money without the job.

I've honestly been really lucky. My only jobs have been babysitting and acting.

K to 12 is partly about babysitting the kids so the parents can do other things.

When you're babysitting a kid, all you're seeing is a version of them, a small dosage.

I'm a lot older than my little brothers and sister, so I think I grew up babysitting them.

My job is not babysitting people; my job is focusing on making the best band I possibly can.

I worked at restaurants and coffee shops and babysitting and just whatever I could do to make money.

I was working part-time as a cleaner while I was going to college and then babysitting after school.

My only after-school job before I got into acting was babysitting. I had younger brothers and sisters.

Ted needs someone to be there 100% of the time. He thinks that's love. It's not love - it's babysitting.

I used to watch 'SNL' when I was babysitting, after I put the kids to bed. It was the Gilda Radner and Bill Murray era. I loved it.

I was babysitting the night High School Musical premiered last year. I watched with the kids and we sang along to the lyrics. I was making $12 an hour.

I told somebody once, 'You don't want the Herschel that plays football... babysitting your child. When I am competing, I am a totally different person.'

Jon Gruden just wants you to come to work, work hard and produce on Sundays. He's not really too much worried about babysitting or holding somebody's hand.

If you are actually ordinary, the only way to give royal status meaning is to live an extraordinary life. It can't be jeans and burgers and granny doing the babysitting.

I did babysit a little bit when I was young. I prefer babysitting for babies. I always loved babies. I was not as great with kids that wanted to be entertained and that wanted to talk.

I remember clearly, when I was about 4, my Aunt Linda said, 'I'm not babysitting him no more. He's bad.' It was one of the first conscious shifts I remember making. I decided, 'I'm going to be good now.'

I was always the frugal kid growing up because I was saving for college. Or I was always that kid that was like, 'I'm going to save my babysitting money so I can eat an expensive dinner when I go to Europe.'

It's more along the lines of raising a child: we train the system to a certain range of behaviors that we find most useful. But then we let it go, because we don't want to have to be babysitting it the whole time.

I babysat kids in a ShopRite, which is a grocery store. They had a babysitting center so that parents could bring their children while they shopped. It was awful. I also was not very good at keeping the kids calm.

I come from a working-class family, and I've been working since I was 13, from babysitting to blueberry picking to factory work to bookstore work. And of course, being a mother and homemaker, the hardest work of all.

I've never been the smartest or most qualified for any job I've ever had, and I'm talking waitressing, babysitting, you name it. But I know I've got the will to win. And I learned how to bet on myself and take a shot.

At a meet and greet in a nightclub in Texas, a girl who looked about 15 years old gave me a VHS copy of 'Adventures in Babysitting,' and she whispered in my ear that it's really just home movie footage of her dad practicing judo.

I grew up babysitting and always enjoyed it. I love family. A couple of my closest friends have kids, and I'm their godfather, and that's one of my greatest pleasures in life, just picking them up from school and hanging out with them.

I always remember this neighbor who would ask me to babysit for her. She looked like Jayne Mansfield, and I remember babysitting for, like, five hours and she would pay me 80 cents, with a phony smile. I used to go home fuming to my mum.

Young people: marry simply, start your life, and party later. Think of how much babysitting for your future colicky baby you could buy with that wedding budget. Think of how much marriage therapy you could buy. Invest in your marriage, not your wedding.

I got a job as soon as I could - 11 or 12. I started babysitting and then I got a part-time job at a pharmacy in England. I just remember loving the feeling of going out and buying my own clothes! I'd go bargain-hunting and get secondhand vintage stuff.

I do this sort of thing where, even for my own shows, I like to supply my own fingerprint of creativity. Not just ideas, technical things: offering model data, creating visuals for my stage show myself, babysitting renders, learning that technology as I go. That's what makes me feel like an artist.

As with many teens, my first jobs included babysitting and mopping floors at McDonald's. Since then, I've held jobs a diverse as selling used cars, selling apparel, cosmetics, and real-estate, substitute-teaching six graders, teaching undergraduate creative writing, and working as an editorial assistant for a literary magazine.

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