Beauty is a mute deception.

Beauty is the child of love.

Beauty is not just physical.

All heiresses are beautiful.

Beauty draws more than oxen.

Beauty can inspire miracles.

Beauty crowds me till I die.

Beauty drawes more then oxen.

Beauty is a social necessity.

Beauty is truth, truth beauty

All beauty contains darkness.

Why should beauty be suspect?

loveliness is infernally sad.

Beauty comes from the inside.

There is beauty in everything.

Beauty fades, dumb is forever.

I find beauty in imperfection.

Live your life to the fullest.

How goodness heightens beauty!

Death is the mother of beauty.

Virtue lives when Beauty dies.

The beautiful is always severe.

Happiness is the best facelift.

Beauty is the flower of virtue.

Beauty is objectified pleasure.

One rose is enough for the dawn

There's beauty in imperfection.

Virtue has a veil, vice a mask.

Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.

Accuracy is essential to beauty.

I see flaws as a kind of beauty.

In art economy is always beauty.

Daria Werbowy is my beauty icon.

Beauty is a natural superiority.

You're beautiful, like a May fly.

Fills The air around with beauty.

The beautiful is never plentiful.

Beauty is the flower of chastity.

Black beauty - he's a dark horse.

Beauty is a delightful prejudice.

Spend all you have for loveliness.

Beauty is not beauty without love.

Culture opens the sense of beauty.

I like a girl with natural beauty.

Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.

A thing of beauty is a job forever.

Beauty always has something remote.

I'm handsome, no ands, buts or ifs.

Beautiful people do not just happen

Beauty is the promise of happiness.

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