Fair is the kingcup that in meadow blows, Fair is the daisy that beside her grows.

When I blow a line at Disney I say, 'Oh fudge,' instead of what is really on mind.

Hooray!" said the Chief of the Army. "Let's blow everyone up! Bang-bang! Bang-bang!

I will have nought to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.

Expose foes wit my hocus pocus flows, they froze now suckas idolize my chosen blows

I write about what happens in my life - and my dad's passing was a huge blow to me.

I do benefits for all religions - I'd hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality.

Fiscal crises often turn into financial crises, dealing a blow to the real economy.

Whatever you've done, you get it back, so you can either go on, or you can blow it.

[Blow Ya Mind] it's a feel good song, a relaxed song... people are just digging it.

Bright points in the sky or a blow on the head will equally cause one to see stars.

I had rather chop this hand off at a blow, And with the other fling it at thy face.

Ever blow bubbles when you were a kid? Well, he's back in town and looking for you!

Is it two? Three? Leave a good tip, Imma blow all my money and don't give two shits.

Sometimes I wish God would give me a Holy Ghost machine gun. I'd blow your head off!

The wind blows on us all, but it's how you set your ssail that makes the difference.

Human misery must somewhere have a stop; there is no wind that always blows a storm.

Write something dangerous. Say something you shouldn’t. Blow something up. But well.

I know I'm going to blow one day. My life is doomed the way it is. I have no future.

It was fun to blow off a Porsche with a 3900 donkey [the 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang].

A just fear of an imminent danger, though be no blow given, is a lawful cause of war.

If you're going to be a bum, be the biggest. If you're going to blow it, blow it big.

Life is like a box of Hand grenades,You never know what will blow you to kingdom come

A stray hair, by its continued irritation, may give more annoyance than a smart blow.

I'm standing on a field full of landmines doing the moonwalk hoping i blow up in time

Never in a million years did I think the sport of poker would blow up the way it did.

Life, if you're fat is a minefield--you have to pick your way, otherwise you blow up.

You can huff and puff. But blow me down? I doubt it kid, or you get your ass whupped.

Charles Blow's memoir 'Fire Shut Up in My Bones' was a breathtaking piece of writing.

Most people can't understand how others can blow their noses differently than they do.

Inevitably, these sorts of things are going to come back to blow up in people's faces.

It's not who you know, it's who you blow. I don't have a hole in my jeans for nothing.

The trouble for the thief is not how to steal the chief’s bugle, but where to blow it.

A Polish terrorist was sent to blow up a car. He burned his mouth on the exhaust pipe!

For me, art has to have two things to really blow me away: a strong concept and drama.

I just like to take it as it comes, go where the wind blows me. I'm not going to plan.

If I want to look half decent, a blow dry is a godsend. I'm crap at doing my own hair.

Vice repeated is like the wandering wind, blows dust in others' eyes to spread itself.

My Bridgestone tire blows out on a day that Ferrari wins? Smells too convienent to me.

How many things are now at loose ends! Who knows which way the wind will blow tomorrow?

Maybe we can combine 2 things that everybody loves. Helping out the poor and blow jobs.

It's always an emotional blow when you lose any guy, let alone a guy like Le'Veon Bell.

Privacy was in sufficient danger before TV appeared, and TV has given it its death blow.

I smoke blunt to take the pain out and if I wasn't high I'd probably blow my brains out.

But as I often say, terrorists wont check our party registration before they blow us up.

I just love movies where they blow stuff up, in your face, and it's so excited and cool.

When someone beats a rug, the blows are not against the rug, but against the dust in it.

Singing has been a cherished gift, and my inability to sing has been a devastating blow.

If after every tempest come such calms, May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!

Sometimes a storm in your life is what will blow you to the place you are longing to be.

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