After all, didnt I blow a magnificent career?

He would take the blow so you didn't have to.

An oboe is an ill-wind that nobody blows good.

Blow trumpet, for the world is white with May.

All the decisive blows are struck left-handed.

For a murderous blow let murderous blow atone.

After all, didn't I blow a magnificent career?

And, dying, bless the hand that gave the blow.

If God lights the candle, none can blow it out.

I think I am a child. Everything blows my mind.

Dead archaeology is the driest dust that blows.

The flowers talk when the wind blows over them.

If ya ain't got it in ya, ya can't blow it out.

McAvoy's bonkers brilliance will blow you away.

It blows my mind the way Frank Miller can write.

He who would be free must strike the first blow.

Don't blow your load on the first stroke, fellas.

Youre only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!

In England, the referee doesn't blow his whistle.

We weren't doing blow jobs when I was growing up.

Social media can blow anything out of proportion.

Phil Dowd checks his whistle and blows his watch.

Still blows my mind that toilet paper isn't free.

Don't blow smoke up my ass. You'll ruin my autopsy

I'm an actor. I hate to blow everyone's illusions.

A knock-down argument; 'tis but a word and a blow.

God can give a straight blow with a crooked stick.

No wind blows in favor of a ship without direction.

I want to top expectations. I want to blow you away.

An old warrior is never in haste to strike the blow.

Everyday is a new beginning and a chance to blow it.

A straw vote only shows which way the hot air blows.

If you snort enough blow, any lane is a passing lane.

Conservatism solves problems. Libralism blows 'em up.

I am on an expense account that would blow your mind.

Sin is a clenched fist and a blow in the face of God.

It's basketball; it's always good to blow a team out.

Losing against rivals is always a blow to the morale.

Negative thinking blows everything out of proportion.

I wouldn't advise anyone to blow their money on cars.

Almost every financial blow up is because of leverage.

All you needed back then was a blow dryer and a dream.

I don't get involved in politics. I just blow my horn.

If I blow my nose, it gets written all over the world.

Robinson could deliver a knockout blow going backward.

The heart of a woman who loves will forgive many blows.

The record shows, I took the blows . And did it my way.

The best way to thaw a frozen turkey? Blow in it's ear.

I think loss of loved ones is the hardest blow in life.

A writer uses a pen instead of a scalpel or blow torch.

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