Industry is a better horse to ride than genius.

Listen to your customers, not your competitors.

When there is blood on the street, I am buying.

Politics is just show business for ugly people.

Happiness does not require an expanding economy

Business can be a source of progressive change.

There are more fakers in business than in jail.

Don't think of yourself as a woman in business.

The diamond business has always been secretive.

Business must be the solution, not the problem.

I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one.

Economics and ethics are not mutually exclusive.

It's hard to find things that won't sell online.

We enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.

We don't pay taxes. The little people pay taxes.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

Anything that is measured and watched, improves.

We haven't got the money, so we've got to think.

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Success is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration!

The secret of success in business is creativity.

Marketing begins before the product is launched.

You can't fool me. There ain't no Sanity Clause!

Without our customers, we don't have a business.

The only limits are, as always, those of vision.

I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill.

The noblest search is the search for excellence.

Character is the tree, reputation is the shadow.

If a user is having a problem, it's our problem.

There is no business to be done on a dead planet.

It is the business of the future to be dangerous.

Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.

Few people do business well, who do nothing else.

I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy.

In show business, you get chewed up and spit out.

The most important actions are never comfortable.

If you're going to be thinking anyway, think big!

Every man has business and desire, Such as it is.

No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair.

I like Mr Gorbachev, we can do business together.

Goodness is the only investment that never fails.

If you quit ONCE it becomes a habit.Never quit!!!

Follow sound business trends, not fashion trends.

You reach a point where you don't work for money.

Advertising nourishes the consuming power of men.

Genius is simply patience carried to the extreme.

Achievement results from work realizing ambition.

Speculator: One who bought stocks that went down.

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

Indecision and delays are the parents of failure.

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