My dad was just a big Joseph Campbell nut.

I love Glen Campbell. He never gets a mention.

Bolthouse is a great strategic fit with Campbell.

And we know Bruce Campbell from way back, so that was a lot of fun.

I love Marty Robbins, I love Glen Campbell, Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline.

In France, I am just Madame Campbell. In Jamaica, nobody uses my title.

In terms of style, I'm really inspired by Foxy Brown and Naomi Campbell.

I started studying mythology, just on my own. Joseph Campbell, mysticism.

I play the role of Andrew Campbell on ABC Family's 'Pretty Little Liars'.

Billy Campbell who is... I... truly one of the most talented actors today.

You know, Glen Campbell sang with the group right before I joined the group.

I like Solange, old pictures of Naomi Campbell, Grace Jones. I love Rihanna.

I have a company called Earl Campbell Foods. I got into the meat business in 1991.

I've never read Joseph Campbell, and I don't know all that much about story archetypes.

When we lost Glen Campbell, we lost an American original. We also lost a really good man.

We're both big Glen Campbell fans - it's one of the things that united us in eternal love.

Me myself, I wanna wear sweats with my Jordans one day or a dress with my Jeffrey Campbell.

I must admit to being greatly influenced by Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

My mood board is archival images of Brigitte Bardot and Iman, and Naomi Campbell in the '90s.

Mike Campbell and Don Henley and I wrote 'The Heart of the Matter,' which was a huge hit for Don.

I believe in the ethos of the remix, like Andy Warhol making a painting of a Campbell's soup label.

I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious.

I got a phone call from Douglas Campbell and from Jerome Guthrie, who offered me a job out of the blue.

I could not have known Colin Campbell would turn out to be the debased, cruel monster he turned out to be.

I've barfed in movies before. It seems like it always ends up being Campbell's soup mixed with something else.

When I hear or see his name, I see the Glen I've always known. There will never, ever be another Glen Campbell.

My greatest strength is common sense. I'm really a standard brand - like Campbell's tomato soup or Baker's chocolate.

Women today are bombarded with so many messages, like we should have Naomi Campbell's body and Madeleine Albright's career.

We've navigated a lot of change at Campbell's. The best thing for me to be able to do is to discuss that change with people.

Luther Campbell is the only person that has ever paid me for sampling me. I'm out for the rest of 'em, but the young man paid me.

Earl Campbell, he's a beast. I got a chance to talk to him; he's a legend in my eyes. To be mentioned along his name is a dream come true.

A friend of mine said, no matter what I do I always look like an English teacher. She actually said, you still look like a Campbell's Soup kid.

I believe in mythology. I guess I share Joseph Campbell's notion that a culture or society without mythology would die, and we're close to that.

'Journey' was very much inspired by Joseph Campbell's work for 'The Hero's Journey,' but, from among his works, I like 'The Power of Myth' best.

Anna Campbell and I have already done a history tour of parts of the U.K., and it would be fun to invite my fellow Word Wench Cara Elliott along, too!

So to get back to being intimidated, yes, you get intimidated when you're on the runway with Naomi Campbell, who is the best runway model in the world.

My faith, inasmuch as I have any, is more like a kind of Joseph Campbell thing, and even that frequently finds itself tested to oblivion in siren waters.

I think it's prima facie evidence for the existence of God because for me to grow up and actually end up working with Glen Campbell is almost unbelievable.

I like how powerful fashion makes me feel. I live for that grungy-prissy juxtaposition that Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, and Drew Barrymore wore in the '90s.

Merle Haggard once said, 'I'm really mad at Glen Campbell because he's the most talented human being in the world.' That kind of summed it up. Merle didn't miss!

When I wrote my first album, I was reading Joseph Campbell - he's this philosopher who writes about mythology. That inspired the title, 'No Mythologies to Follow.'

I'm playing 10 feet from Mike Campbell every night. I look across the stage, there's Howie. Tom's in the middle and we're playing all this stuff I love. It's great.

I played soccer in college, at this little school in North Carolina called Campbell. It was the only place in the world where they would offer to pay for everything.

Colin Campbell should be thanking me for raising his profile. I'm the only one who's put the Colin Campbell name on the map. Who has even heard of Lord Colin Campbell?

For my very first September issue, I put Naomi Campbell on the cover. She was wearing this orange Anne Klein sequin suit - it would probably look incredibly '80s today.

The minute you see a guy doing one of those Naomi Campbell catwalk-action kind of things, it falls apart. A lot of hips and the scissor walk? No! Men always need to be men.

The encouragement I got from Campbell was a quick check and praise. Once the Space Beagle was launched on its mission, it seemed natural for it to breed additional thoughts.

We then went through the audition process and picked a guy named Richard Campbell and he is no secret to L.A. players as he was with Natalie Cole for years and Three Dog Night.

I grew up looking up a lot to '90s supermodels like Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell. I just thought those women were such cool role models because they had a good body ideal, too.

There wasn't anyone who was specifically taking me under their wing. I definitely looked up to people, though, one major person being Naomi Campbell, of course. That's, like, a given.

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