Inside the car is truly my own personal space.

I have 18 cars, but I never had a Rolls-Royce.

Cars are the sculptures of our everyday lives.

Sooner or later a black car came for everyone.

Oh, it's you that owns that ghastly car, is it?

A rental car is basically an ashtray on wheels.

I love cars, I have two classic cars of my own.

Guns do kill. Unlike cars, that is all they do.

Range Rovers are the greenest cars on the road.

Summer coming like a car from down the highway.

I love fast cars... and to go too fast in them.

When the car's going well, I purr like a kitten.

I love mechanical things, older cars especially.

I love sports cars and want a Mercedes of an MG.

I always keep a ball in the car. You never know.

I never listen to the radio unless I rent a car.

My wife's a redneck, and she loves a muscle car.

It's a massive motor in a tiny, lightweight car.

Simply racing a Formula 1 car is an achievement.

A website without SEO is like a car with no gas.

The city needs a car like a fish needs a bicycle.

Detroit: Cars and rock 'n' roll. Not a bad combo.

When I go on a hike, I leave my phone in the car.

Pakistan without Ajmal is like car without engine

Because Elvis gave 'em cars, you think I'm cheap.

Yes, heaven forbid I not be protected from tanks.

I drive a big Dodge truck. I drive American cars.

But separate a man from his car - that's inhuman.

I don't put together cars, I put together people.

Google was the right place to pioneer robot cars.

Shoes make an outfit; they're like rims for a car.

Me + Love Songs on KOST=embarrassing car jam sesh.

Either the car is stationary, or it's on the move.

There is a little bit of Nils Bohlin in every car.

I don't buy fur coats or jewelry. I have old cars.

Using your car as a weapon and impenetrable armor.

I was impressed by the braking power an F1 car has.

Jeep represents a way of life. It's not just a car.

Velveeta: you can eat it - or wax your car with it!

It would be nice to live off the land and fix cars.

I've made movies that cost less than one car chase.

As a child, I always wanted to be a race car pilot.

Told you. Everything sounds better in the car wash.

I am in love with cars; I love anything that moves.

I know my boundaries. I know the limits to the car.

Damon Runyon. A day-coach boy in a parlor car seat.

If you don't have a car, ride a bicycle or a donkey.

Take it easy driving– the life you save may be mine.

Turbochargers are for people who cant build engines.

I like the girls to match the upholstery of the car.

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