I hate celebrities.

I don't date celebrities.

I think celebrities suck.

Not all celebrities are dunces.

We celebrities are desperate pigs.

I don't like talking to celebrities.

We celebrities have stiff upper-lips.

Celebrities say the darnedest things.

It's hard to find normal celebrities.

I love it when celebrities fall apart.

I hate celebrities. I really hate them.

I always teach celebrities, all my life.

Troubled celebrities are a dime a dozen.

Celebrities have nothing to do with style.

Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.

We are making gods out of global celebrities.

I don't really hang out with a lot of celebrities.

I represent celebrities, but I am not a celebrity.

All celebrities are real people behind everything.

Can two celebrities actually make a marriage work?

I think we as celebrities have a lot more control.

I'm fat, and I support fat celebrities, like Oprah.

Journalists have made celebrities into an industry.

What I've realized is celebrities are regular people.

You don't talk about celebrities in the Hamptons, duh!

I'm a lawyer who, on occasion, represents celebrities.

Celebrities choose fame. Royals have it thrust on them.

I haven't had a lot of celebrities around me growing up.

I'm obsessed with celebrities and fame. I always will be.

I don't want a splashy magazine wedding with celebrities.

I never really looked up to celebrities when I was young.

Tommy Chong is one of my favorite celebrities of all time.

Most celebrities are not going to admit they had work done.

I have always hated celebrities lecturing people on politics.

In Boston, they love their sports celebrities. And it's great.

Celebrities are nowhere as rich as some people think they are.

I like celebrities. I love people who are famous. Always have.

Like most celebrities, of course, I adore all the Mario games.

Don't put celebrities up on this pedestal. We are human beings.

That's the thing with celebrities: the media can't ignore them.

I think sometimes celebrities get so big, they're not reachable.

I'm always suspicious of celebrities that write about their lives.

Celebrities, movie stars and rock stars are losing their mystique.

There's a lot of artists that are celebrities, not really artists.

But it kills me, this fascination with celebrities' personal lives.

Rarely do celebrities and actors speak up for what they believe in.

I don't get starstruck by Hollywood celebrities as I'm not into films.

I'm actually one of the more reluctant celebrities you will ever meet.

Celebrities need to be talking to the people who are their greatest fans.

A lot of people think that celebrities are fake, and a couple of them are.

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