I like mac and cheese.

I love Velveeta cheese.

Rick Rubin eats no cheese.

I'm anti-cheese in a salad.

all i want...is mac and cheese

It was all cheese and applause.

I always wanted a cheese wheel.

He is the cheese to my macaroni.

The misers cheese is wholesomest

I thrive on cheese and champagne.

I loathe cheese, it makes me ill.

Good cheese needs good companions.

The moon is made of a green cheese.

Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries.

There is no yellow cheese in Mexico!

I ain't gonna lie: I love that cheese.

My mother makes fantastic vegan cheese.

I eat Swiss cheese from the inside out.

Age doesn't matter, unless your cheese.

I'm Greek. My body produces feta cheese.

Age doesn't matter, unless you're cheese.

I'm allergic to cheese, wheat, and flour.

American cheese is the perfect soft taco.

Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.

Cheese is milk's leap toward immortality.

Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese.

We get a lot of cheese, no mice with that.

Cheese is milk's leap towards immortality.

In France, I learned about wine and cheese.

Cheese, like oil, makes too much of itself.

I like cream cheese in just about anything.

I was blown up while we were eating cheese.

We did talk about cheese on our first date.

I don't eat celery. I eat raw milk, cheeses.

Age is not important unless you're a cheese.

Oh, and I suppose the apples ate the cheese.

I like to eat cheese out of a bowl everyday.

If it's not too late, make it a cheese-burger

In the wintertime I like macaroni and cheese.

You judge a pizza place on their cheese slice.

Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.

Worry is today's mouse eating tomorrow's cheese.

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?

Robbie Keane was like the cat that got the cheese

My physique is down to 20 years of eating cheese.

I ALWAYS put ketchup on my mac and cheese. Always.

My first job, I was Chuck E. at Chuck E. Cheese's.

Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good.

I'll try anything...I'll even try Limburger cheese!

I've been a big fan of cottage cheese my whole life.

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