When a child is born, so are grandmothers.

It takes only one child to raze a village.

Children blessings seem, but torments are.

Love is like ice in the hands of children.

I must be the oldest living child soprano.

Shee spins well that breedes her children.

I was a poster child... for birth control!

The child-teacher relationship is crucial.

I am curious about grownups, not children.

Christ never preached any funeral sermons.

The Denver Broncos are all child molesters

We are all children until our fathers die.

Children's lies are signs of great talent.

Wisdom sits with children round her knees.

Let our children be taught love love love.

The soul is healed by being with children.

What is an adult? A child blown up by age.

Children add to the wonder of being alive.

Study is the child of silence and mystery.

My father loved people, children and pets.

My mother insisted that her children read.

Children make you want to start life over.

Bring a child and ignore your inhibitions.

I call children "our ultimate investment."

I have very little patience with children.

All revolutions devour their own children.

I was with book, as a woman is with child.

Even as a child, I found a way to survive.

It's not easy to teach a child how to win.

Life is a child moving counters in a game.

I am glad that I do not have any children.

As a child I wanted to become an architect.

Today you live, child. Tomorrow, you dream.

What will a child learn sooner than a song?

Guard your children's free time - from you.

A generation of children has been betrayed.

I want my ex-wife and children to be happy.

I love comic books and always did as a kid.

I do believe that we're all God's children.

A misbehaving child, is a discouraged child

A sailor's joys are as simple as a child's.

Each night a child is born is a holy night.

I was thinking about naming my child Kanye.

An adult is just a child who started to rot

The child, unhampered, does not waste time.

Childhood Is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies.

The child will reveal himself through work.

Children notice things first, people later.

Perhaps it takes courage to raise children.

I strongly support the feeding of children.

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