Hope comes in many forms.

Cancer don't respect nothing.

I'd love to do a 'Sopranos' sequel.

I was very lucky with 'The Sopranos.'

Those who want respect, give respect.

I've seen every episode of 'Sopranos.'

I really wanted to be an opera soprano.

I was a huge 'Sopranos' fan, obviously.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I must be the oldest living child soprano.

I think that 'The Sopranos' uses music incredibly well.

It's great to hear someone really care for the soprano saxophone.

When I read the pilot of 'The Sopranos,' I wasn't terribly blown away by it.

It was just as shocking for me to sing opera in a falsetto soprano in Germany.

'The Sopranos' was a very East Coast show; 'Heroes' is more organically global.

I find I have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.

I'd seen 'The Sopranos,' but I wasn't a faithful viewer because I can't handle it.

I wrote for 'The Sopranos' and worked on big, blustery characters for quite a while.

Being on 'The Sopranos' definitely prepared me for the militant secrecy of 'Mad Men.'

I suppose my forcefulness will improve once my voice changes. Sopranos get no respect.

If you see the Sopranos, you're not going to be speaking in the Shakespearean English.

And then you have the classical ballerinas, they're like sopranos. Applied to the dance.

Not every show needs to reach the same size of audience, or same width, of a ‘Sopranos,'

Not every show needs to reach the same size of audience, or same width, of a 'Sopranos'.

Nobody inspired me more than Julie Andrews, who is a classically trained soprano herself.

I am box-set girl; I buy into those big American series like 'The Sopranos' and 'Heroes.'

If you look at 'The Sopranos,' there's this notion of a criminal element on its last legs.

Deathstroke,' in my view, is a family drama. It's like the 'Sopranos' with super villains.

I was a boy soprano. I had a natural kind of voice and then trained it after my voice changed.

I never know what I'm going to get. A 'Sopranos' fan is very different from a 'Big Lebowski' fan.

Maybe there would be a bad outcome for some of the others, but no one was going to shoot a soprano.

I can spot a musical type. I can tell by looking at a woman whether she is a contralto or a soprano.

My first proper credit was a small voice-over on an episode of 'The Sopranos' when I was, like, 11 or 12.

I actually got more attention from one episode of 'The Sopranos' than I did from two years of 'The L Word.'

I remember turning 'The Sopranos' on once and within two minutes nearly throwing a brick through the screen.

The best TV is always about family, whether it's 'All in the Family,' or 'The Sopranos' or 'The Flintstones.'

When I was doing 'The Sopranos,' I liked putting music together with the film; that was my favorite part of it.

When I was doing 'The Sopranos', I liked putting music together with the film; that was my favorite part of it.

You know when I was depressed I said I didn't want to live? Well, I'll tell you something - I didn't want to die.

Opera: I like it, except for all those howling sopranos and caterwauling tenors. (Why can't tenors sing like men?)

'The Wire's definitely one of them. 'The Sopranos' is one of my all-time favorites. Those are two big ones for me.

The Sopranos all came down to the writing. I wouldn't have been on for as long as I was if the writing weren't so good.

I've never seen 'Mad Men.' I've never seen 'Breaking Bad.' I've never seen 'The Sopranos.' These sort of seminal shows.

I started acting in 'The Sopranos' around 1999 and 2000. I did that for six years. That was quite a job, and I loved it.

'The Sopranos' all came down to the writing. I wouldn't have been on for as long as I was if the writing weren't so good.

I still think, most of the time, when people called shows like 'The Sopranos' or 'Deadwood' 'art' that they were correct.

HBO churn out some unbelievable stuff. They really got me with things like 'Band of Brothers.' But you can't beat 'The Sopranos.'

'Sopranos' was a fascinating moment, just catching our whole culture by surprise, a fun ride to be on while I'm learning the craft.

I don't want to see a 'Sopranos' movie. This is just me. I like to think the end is where it was on TV as opposed to becoming a movie.

We're seeing TV series that are as good as movies were in the '70s and '80s - shows like 'The Wire,' 'The Sopranos' and 'Breaking Bad.'

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