I'm a blue collar guy.

I hate the polo collar.

I come from a blue collar background.

I'm the first rapper ever popping his collar.

I come from blue collar. I'm very working class.

Kinsey was never a lawyer. She's strictly blue collar.

A crime is a crime, regardless of what collar you wear.

Relax, Georgie, I'm just making my collar and cuffs match.

Political hypocrisy and racism make me hot under the collar.

I did not have a dog with a diamond collar. I was never flashy.

White collar crime must be taken as seriously as any other crime.

I think coding is gonna become the blue collar work of the future.

His locked, lettered, braw brass collar, Shewed him the gentleman and scholar.

If you watch the 'Blue Collar Tour,' I was probably the least redneck of everybody.

I don't know of any other driver on the track that doesn't get hot under the collar.

I am starting to explore directing, maybe in the future in the world of 'White Collar.'

I think if I'd never had found pro wrestling, I'd be a blue collar guy, working a 9-to-5 job.

I quite like walking out in my sweet new Balor Club jacket, popping my collar and being Mr. Cool.

My personality is that I'm a human being like everybody else, just a citizen and a blue collar guy.

Recycling is an area where jobs could be created at low cost. Green collar workers. That's not very sexy.

I want all of the blue collar American working class people to know that I'm out there fighting for them.

I've come to learn it's a luxury to be a sort of blue collar celebrity in Canada. It makes you more humble.

I left halfway through my third year to start Lipstick On Your Collar, which was the first thing I ever did.

I'm blue collar, which means white trash with a job. But it also means people who take pride in what they do.

I don't fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they're former Chicagoans anyway.

I've always been a blue collar guy, and I think it shows in my body of work and the way my career has developed.

The dog collar is fascinating to people, when it doesn't repel. I've got used to being shouted at in the street.

I don't like baggy clothes and looking like anything sloppy. The arms have to fit. The collar has to look perfect.

Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn't work for me at all.

If you watch the 'Blue Collar Comedy Tour,' don't expect that when you come see me by myself, 'cause it's a little rougher.

A Brooks Brothers button-down with an unfastened collar, rolled-up sleeves, and jeans makes for a comfortable, casual look.

People buy a cat and think, 'Oh that's a beautiful collar. I'll put that on,' but that doesn't make them a responsible pet owner.

I'm louder and bigger with my curls. There's power in that. Also, straight hair is kind of annoying. It gets caught in my collar.

I was by far the least popular of the Blue Collar crew when we started. There was a definite pecking order, and everybody knew it.

The people I represent in Northeast Ohio and the tens of millions of workers across our country are proud to be called blue collar.

In the 1960s, if you were a blue collar worker or uneducated, and you had an injury on the job, the company basically dismissed you.

I'm not the least bit polished, I come from a blue collar background and I never thought I could feel comfortable around the English.

Surely the fact that a uniformed police officer is wearing his hair below his collar will make him no less identifiable as a policeman.

Having parents who were hard working, blue collar, and staunchly independent, neither political party's positioning really impressed me.

As a composer, Dylan now fits comfortably alongside George Gershwin or Irving Berlin, though he grumpily refuses to wear any man's collar.

You should be watching 'White Collar' because it's a fun, intelligent procedural infused with a lot of great character writing by Jeff Eastin.

So the first job that I got - my father got it for me - he had his clerical collar on, was a gay bar in D.C., it was Mr. Henry's of Georgetown.

I can't go to sleep on a train anymore because people take photos of me. You know, dribbling. It's a bit embarrassing. I go to sleep with my collar up.

The key to transforming your look with a collar is ensuring that it looks as if it's part of the dress, so there shouldn't be any skin visible underneath.

I'm very blue collar myself. So it was easy for me to embody that in a sense. It's much harder for me to embody Norrell than it is to embody Terry Donovan.

This assumption that the blue collar crowd is not supposed to read it, or a farmer in his overalls is not to read poetry, seems to be dangerous if not tragic.

On collar wounds, we normally manage to save them, but they can take weeks to heal because they're so deep, and they sort of grow into the flesh under the arm.

I signed a dog collar. Someone gave me their dog - a live dog - and I signed its collar. When they handed me the dog, I didn't know what to do. That was weird.

There's part of me that would love to wear a ruffly collar and do a period drama, but that's not going to happen. You don't have Asians in those sorts of things.

There are a lot of irritating aspects about large supermarkets for the wannabe eco-warrior, but the one that gets most of us hottest under the collar is packaging.

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