I wanna have the coolest merch.

I am the coolest dad in the world.

San Francisco, coolest place ever.

Firemen have the coolest toys ever!

I've got the coolest job in the world.

It's the coolest job to be on Broadway.

Jennifer Lawrence is just the coolest girl.

I want to be the coolest aunt in the entire world.

Growing up in the '90s was the coolest thing to me.

I want to be a vampire. They're the coolest monsters.

My mother is the coolest, most amazing person I know.

I want Baltimore to be the coolest city in the world.

Used properly, cinema is the coolest thing in the world.

Being uncool is being pretty much the coolest you can be.

Amitabh Bachchan was the coolest character in every movie.

As far as I'm concerned, the coolest word in film is 'cult.'

Cee Lo is the coolest human being I have ever met in my life.

Being able to compete and try and win games is the coolest feeling.

Jeff was the coolest, hippest older brother I could ever dream for.

Chrissie Hynde is the coolest woman alive, and no man can have her.

Robert Pastorelli was about the coolest guy I had ever met in my life.

Maybe the coolest people are the ones who don't care about being cool.

I think I've got the coolest friends in the entire world, I really do.

I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to be in an NFL office.

I have such a crush on Shirley Manson. I think she's the coolest thing.

Working with Dolly Parton was one of the coolest experiences of my life.

David Bowie was awesome the easiest, coolest interview I have ever done.

New York is the coolest city. The place just never sleeps. It's amazing.

'Dragonball' is the coolest television cartoon in the last 50,000 years.

Octavia Spencer is, I think, one of the coolest people you will ever meet.

One of the coolest things Twickenham Fest does is to commission new works.

Flying is like the ultimate superpower; it's just, like, the coolest thing.

Barack Obama is probably the coolest president this country will ever have.

I love the Instamatic application on my I phone, it takes the coolest photos.

I love to sing! To be in a movie with musical number is the coolest thing ever!

To me, the coolest, shiniest, sexiest, darkest, scariest thing you can be is pop.

When you hear a banjo through stutter edit, it's the coolest thing you ever heard.

I wanted to give myself the opportunity to do the coolest drag I could possibly do.

Marvin Gaye was one of the coolest. I look to him as a style icon and as an artist.

The kid at 9 or 10 who knows who Billie Holiday is... that's the coolest thing ever.

I love Lil Wayne; that's like my little brother. He's just the coolest dude on Earth.

I got into DJing because that was the coolest thing to do and I've never looked back.

I find that drummers are the coolest people in the world. I play a little bit of drums.

I really believed that Batman had the potential to be one of the coolest guys in cinema.

I like the challenge of writing music without being the coolest guy or band in the room.

The coolest thing I've gotten to do in the past few years is guest star on Sesame Street.

I always felt like the trumpet or trombone player was always the coolest dude in the room.

I went to an all-boys school, where I played rugby, so ballet wasn't the coolest thing to do.

I'm Richie Rich. I land in New York, secretly thinking I'm like the coolest guy in the world.

Every guy needs a pair of beaten up Converse Chuck Taylors. The coolest sneakers in the world.

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