Happiness is a rare cosmetic.

Happiness is the best cosmetic.

The U.S. is a cosmetic democracy.

Love is the most potent cosmetic.

I'm addicted to cosmetic surgery!

Cosmetics is the science of a woman's cosmos.

I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon.

Animal testing is needless, especially in cosmetics.

I'm very lucky in that I have a good cosmetic surgeon.

MAC Cosmetics is incredible for lips; I always wear it.

I think a cosmetics company should be headed by a woman.

She's not wearing makeup so her face just looks like skin.

I can't even get three weeks off to have cosmetic surgery.

I worked at the cosmetic counter at a fine department store

It's a long time since men's cosmetics were considered uncool.

It was during a cosmetic procedure that I first had painkillers.

In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope.

A writer is not a confectioner, a cosmetic dealer, or an entertainer.

The creation of my cosmetics experience has been years in the making.

Wearing cosmetics that were tested on animals makes you ugly on the inside

At the end of the day, my legacy will not be modelling but my cosmetics line.

I'm curious how you'll know it works. I assume it's mostly a cosmetic change.

I will buy any creme, cosmetic, or elixir from a woman with a European accent.

Working in the entertainment industry exposes me to every current cosmetic fad.

Having my name on a cosmetics line has always been a dream, one I'm excited to share.

I'd go into a department store now and buy everything. It's who I am. I just love cosmetics.

Everything is a rejection of you, not your product, or your script, or a cosmetic. It's you.

You don't need to buy expensive cosmetics; almost anything will do if you know how to apply it.

ARSENIC, n. A kind of cosmetic greatly affected by the ladies, whom it greatly affects in turn.

The power of cosmetics and the effect they can have on one's happiness and confidence is very real.

Healthcare for trans women is a necessity. It is not elective. It is not cosmetic. It is life saving.

Patriarchy has stolen our cosmos and returned it in the form of 'Cosmopolitan' magazine and cosmetics.

I'm in a unique position, reviewing products for a living, as well as having a successful cosmetics company.

That's the only sense in which I've been lucky: I have the kind of face to which cosmetics could be applied.

And of course the Green Party wants to remove carcinogens from our food, our cosmetics, our backyard pesticides.

I'm proud to join Cruelty Free International in calling on the United States to end cosmetics testing on animals.

I've often said that we are doing something far more important than just selling cosmetics; we are changing lives.

I entered the cosmetics industry because I wanted more women to use cosmetics made with safe, healthful ingredients.

One of my assistants, a British man, says I should find a platform for [cosmetic industry]. Meanwhile I wear make-up.

My desire to experiment comes from my attention-deficit approach to cosmetics. I just get really bored, really easily.

The cosmetic industry seems to be a wholesale dumping ground for just about every single type of chemical that exists.

M.A.C. stands for makeup, art, and cosmetics. We're about bringing all these worlds together - makeup, design, fashion.

As a little girl I always dreamed of having a cosmetics contract, which was the cherry on top of 'making it' in my opinion.

Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor.

I started the cosmetics in 1994 after I stopped modeling, out of my frustration as a woman of color not finding what I needed.

All of the love and support I have gotten about the release of my Jeffree Star Cosmetics line has made me blessed beyond words.

I came to write after several mini careers. I did live theatre, managed a cosmetics store and was a local television personality.

Im lucky that its about fashion and perfume and cosmetics. If my father had owned a tire company, I dont know what I would have done.

I'm lucky that it's about fashion and perfume and cosmetics. If my father had owned a tire company, I don't know what I would have done.

Everything that I have is natural - braid, nails - I practically never use cosmetics. They often ask me in the provinces about my braid.

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