I'm known for my big hair and curls.

I love the gym; I do a lot of curls.

I've thrown a lot of curls over the years.

My curls were my worst nightmare growing up.

Anyone who has dead straight hair wants curls.

It's really exciting to be a voice for girls with curls.

I don't have the time to curl up on my couch with a good book.

I would never mess around with braids and curls and everything.

What is this world? A mere curl of smoke for the wind to scatter.

I used to have really long hair. It was a big fro with mad curls.

I was an observant but dreamy child. I had a lazy eye and wild curls.

The things I've bought from strangers in the dark would curl your hair.

I smiled and ran my hand through his dark curls. “So, Death, what do we do now?

down from his brow she ran his curls like thick hyacinth clusters full of blooms

And I love a scary movie. It makes your toes curl and it's not you going through it.

My hair holds curls so well, and I don't wash it every day because it doesn't need it.

Try pitching a story of happiness to your editors and their toes are going to curl up.

I need about three seats lengthwise to sleep on a plane. It's not easy for me to curl up.

You know sometimes I just want to curl up on stage and lie there for a while - it's weird.

I have a total complex [because of my curls], though, because I got teased a lot as a kid.

You curl your hair and paint your face. Not I: I am curled by the wind, painted by the sun.

The Vermont mountains stretch extended straight; New Hampshire mountains curl up in a coil.

"I hope your hair curls naturally, does it?" "Yes, darling, with a little help from others."

I'll put on a song that I really like and do bicep curls with two kilo weights the whole song.

The act of catching yourself wandering and coming back to your breath is a bicep curl for your brain.

A woman who shaves or otherwise depilates her pubic curls has a profound interest in recreational sex.

God is so big He can cover the whole world with His love, and so small He can curl up inside your heart.

Taste speaks through a turn of phrase, a curl of the lip, a shrug of the shoulder: it makes an atmosphere.

When you start to realize life isn't fair, what do you do: curl up and die or fight every second of the way?

I've always idolized Diana Ross's hair. Why not have fun, big curls? You see the same sleek waves everywhere.

I look like a duck. It's the way my mouth curls up, or my nose tilts up. I should have played Howard the Duck.

When a man curls his lip, when he uses ridicule, when he grows angry, you have touched a raw nerve in domination.

But I'll be fine. I'll be with Tod. He's a good guy, you know." He just hides it under all the sarcasm and curls.

I have a bronze statue of myself, naked. I have these really big curls and water comes out of every curl. It's hot.

I've been camping and stuff, but if you left me in the woods I'd probably just curl up and cry until someone found me.

With the amount of planned and unplanned travel I have, it is critical for me to treat my curls right on a daily basis.

I only have to do three things to look halfway decent. Curl my eyelashes, fill in my eyebrows and put some lipstick on.

If you like comedy, go home and curl up with Leviticus. The writers of The Onion are handed Leviticus on their first day.

I just feel Black women, we get slept on a lot and people don't recognize our greatness in our curls and in chocolate skin.

Then Park reached up and wrapped one of her red curls around his honey finger. "Back to missing you," he said, letting it go.

Oh, yeah - I could see myself as a catch and shooter, come off curls and shooting. I really feel good about shooting the ball.

Built like an oak tree, against which I could pitch my pillow and read; mornings, I could curl into the crook of your branches.

I love wearing my hair curly, but turning the curling iron all the way up creates curls that look really made up and artificial.

I'm louder and bigger with my curls. There's power in that. Also, straight hair is kind of annoying. It gets caught in my collar.

The thing about spending a lifetime under a long, bushy cloud of curls is that people naturally began associating me with my hair.

I didn't really know about Marilyn Manson - it's not my sort of music, not exactly the sort of thing I would curl up and listen to!

So now we all know," says Four, quietly, "that you are afraid of a short, skinny girl from Abnegation." His mouth curls into a smile.

I wondered what it was like to be inside her, just a curl of flesh swimming in the darkness, the quiet things that had passed between us.

For goodness sakes, beware of curls… It is a great art to do them so that the girls not only look modern - but do not suddenly look very vulgar.

Keeping a diary is advanced-level living. I spend way too much time trying not to curl up in the corner like a giant fetus & weep to keep a diary.

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